Page 78 of Blood Empire

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“If you’re trying to steal from me while you’re living under my roof, it’s not going to end well for you,” he says, squeezing me harder.

“I wasn’t fucking stealing from you,” I snap.

“Then what are you doing in here?” he asks. “There’s nothing in this office of value. But then, a girl like you wouldn’t know that, would she? That’s why you lost everything. You kept it in your house. A smart girl would have used a bank, or at least a safety deposit box.”

Of course he’d keep anything confidential in a safe. Whatever’s in his drawer is probably just throwaway stuff, things he doesn’t care about. With all the people who work here and have access to this room, he’s going to have more than one little drawer lock between him and his most confidential and dangerous secrets.

I’m too fucking removed from this world to outsmart anyone in it. I’ve never experienced things like this, so things that are obvious to his kind never occur to me.

Curling his fingers into my hair, he stands suddenly, shoving me forward over the desk. My hipbones smash into the unforgiving edge of the heavy desk. It doesn’t even budge, and I have to bite down on my lip not to cry out. Tightening his grip, he yanks my head down on the desk. My breath fogs on the polished wooden surface, and tears of pain blur my eyes, but through the shroud of pain and tears and blind panic, I see a figure standing in the open door.

Before I can call out, Mr. Dolce shoves his hips against mine, pinning me with his body while his other hand yanks up the back of my shirt. I thrash against the desk, shoving as hard as I can with both hands. A second later, my gun clatters across the wooden surface. He lays his full weight on me, yanking my head back. I can’t fucking breathe, but I’m still fighting, kicking at his shins, reaching up to sink my nails into the side of his neck.

He snatches the gun and shoves it to my temple. He straightens some, letting air into my lungs, and I suck in an ugly breath. His fist is still tight in my hair, making tears of pain sting my eyes, and his hips hold me pinned from behind. Terror and revulsion ream into me when I realize he’s hard. I can feel the ridge of his erection biting into my ass.

“Get the fuck off me,” I yell, just in case there’s someone in this house who isn’t too terrified to intervene. The figure in the door is gone, leaving me to wonder if I imagined it.

“Tell me what you’re doing in here, or I’ll fuck the answer out of you,” Mr. Dolce snarls, breathing hard as he presses the gun to my temple with bruising force.

“I was looking for the casino plans,” I blurt out, my mind racing through the next steps, trying to find an out, a way to get him to let me go.

“Why?” he demands.

“For Royal.”

He pauses, and I’m not sure if I epically fucked up or if I said the one thing that might get him to loosen his grip enough for me to free myself. I just know that Royal’s the only person in this town stronger than him, the only one who might be able to defeat him, and one of the only people he won’t kill. He uses his children, but I believe he honestly loves them in whatever capacity he’s able. If nothing else, it might remind him that Royal said I was his and no one is allowed to touch me.

I’m not about to throw anyone weak under the bus, that’s for damn sure. Royal is all I’ve got.

“Why does Royal want the casino plans?” Mr. Dolce asks.

“I don’t know,” I say. “He said he’d tell me after I got them.”

Tony lets out a little breath of a laugh and straightens fully, but he keeps his cock pressed firmly to my ass.

“Sounds like my boy,” he says, and I think he’s actually proud of his son even as he grinds his cock against his girlfriend’s ass.

I try not to vomit across his desk, focusing on relaxing my muscles so I’ll stop shaking. “Can I go now?” I ask.

“Well, if you’re doing his bidding, I’ll let you in on a little secret,” Mr. Dolce says, setting the gun down and sitting back down. His hand in my hair never loosens, and I’m dragged backwards off the desk, every inch of my scalp burning as he lifts almost my entire weight by my hair. He pulls me back onto his lap. “Just sit here, and I’ll show you what I have. Deal?”

“Deal,” I grit out, hating myself with a loathing that goes almost as deep as the one I feel for him even though I don’t have much choice in the matter.

He sets the gun down out of my reach and leans over, pulling open the bottom drawer. He slides out a folder and set it on the desk.

“Go on,” he says. “Open it. You’re part of the family now, aren’t you? You thought you’d break us by getting my sons in trouble at school, but now that you’re on our side, you’re far less dangerous, aren’t you? So go on. Once you’re involved in our business, you’ll see how it benefits all of us. Even you—especially you. But if my son insists on having you on the inside, you might as well know it all.”

I flip open the folder, pretending I give a fuck about his land deal when his dick is shoved up against my ass. He grinds it against me, rubbing his chin on the back of my neck.

“You won’t find anything about a casino,” he says. “They didn’t sell me the land. But they will. And our plans for Faulkner are so much bigger than a casino.”

“If we’re spilling all our secrets, what’s bigger than a casino?” I ask, ignoring his heavy breathing on the back of my neck.

“I hear through the grapevine that someone’s using the abandoned mall for some very profitable purposes. Ones the authorities might not approve of. Just like some people wouldn’t approve of us.”

He slides his hand between my legs, grabbing my pussy and groaning.

“If you want to the real secrets, if you want to get inside the Dolce family, first you have to let me inside you,” he says. “Once I have this on you, I can trust you to be compliant. You’ll obey me, or I’ll expose you to Royal, let him know what you did to become a real Dolce girl.”

Tags: Selena Erotic