Page 125 of Broken Doll

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God, it feels good, too good, oh god, I can’t—

I pull back from it, but I don’t close my eyes. I’ll let him see that I’m there, the way I used to with Mav, where it was something satisfying but I wasn’t part of it. I’ll let him have me here while he cums, but I can’t join him. The last time—

He yanks his hand back, and his palm cracks across my cheek. The shocking sting of it shoots straight down my body to the center of my being. I’m suddenly thrust into my body with such brutal, physical presence that it hurts. My core clamps down so hard he sucks in an audible breath, his fingers gripping the top of the hood as he responds with a vicious thrust. He grabs my hip with his other hand, pinning me there with a bruising grip as he grinds into me.

He leans down, his eyes deep and commanding, blood darkening half his face. “Cum for me, my little slut.”

He drives his cock so deep into me I almost choke.

I cry out, trying to slip away, to get away, but he slaps me again, this time on the other cheek. And he’s inside me, taking me, delivering me, wrecking every inch of me. He pounds into me relentlessly, offering no respite, no escape. His cock is bare and thick and slick, and it hurts, and it feels so fucking good I can’t bear it.

And I want it all.

I want him to consume me, to drown me, to possess me like the demon he is.

“Royal,” I gasp, pushing at his shoulders, needing him off, I can’t bear it.

“Cum,” he growls again, his powerful hips thrusting his cock into the center of my core, hitting somewhere inside me that’s so deep, so painful and raw that I can’t hold back.

I cry out again, arching up, my body clamping down hard around him for a second time. This time, he’s the one who makes a choking sound, his cock throbbing thick inside me. The sensation sends me over the edge, and I can’t pull back in time. This thing that’s been fighting to get out, this monster inside me, erupts. I feel it tearing free, raging like the storm around us, the rain slamming against us, the trees tossing like agony in the wind. As it takes me over, I cry out Royal’s name, my nails biting into his skin, my body finally giving in, submitting to his dominance, his claim. I’m helpless to stop it.

I am his.

I cum. I’m crying and raging, I’m filled with hatred and helplessness and relief, and I’m still coming so hard I can’t stop myself. I don’t know what’s happening, why it won’t end. I think I’m saying something, but it’s swallowed by the storm, and he’s over me, watching me.

His hot cum floods into me, spreading inside me like a virus that’s taken me over, racing through my bloodstream until he’s part of every breath, every cell of my being. Because I’m not just his.

He is mine.

When I finally start to come down, I’m shaking uncontrollably. I want to take it all back. It’s too much, and I can’t deal with it. Because the thing that just broke free inside me, that’s been howling and clawing and tearing me apart from within, fighting to escape, isn’t a monster.

It’s me.

Royal’s hands are on my face, cradling it gently even as his cock remains painfully deep inside me, and his lips skim mine, still slick with blood. When my eyes meet his, I see everything in him, his rage and regret, his darkness and brokenness, his destructiveness and vulnerability. For a second, I can’t breathe, can’t move or speak, too crushed by the weight of the burden he carries by his very existence to react.

And then he speaks.

“Thank you,” he whispers, his breath warm on my wet skin.

In that one breath, one heartbeat, the space between heartbeats where life is measured and decided, I’m weightless. I’m lost and I’m found, I’m destroyed and renewed, I’m insignificant and infinite. I am his, and I am free.

And then I suck in a breath, and I’m here, with his blood in my mouth and my blood slick between our bodies, the metal under my back, the rain on my skin. My cunt flutters around him, the helpless spasms of orgasm still racing through me, shivering along my limbs and up through my head, making me dizzy with power and bliss.

Royal leans on his elbows, sinking his head down against my neck, his hot breath damp in the wet chill of the night. “Harper,” he says, his voice barely more than a breath.


We lie there for a long time, my body still clenched around him like a cramp. It takes a while for me to relax, for my heartbeat to return to normal. Headlights wash over us, but Royal just covers me with his body, hiding my face with his broad shoulders. The car honks and drives off, and that’s when reality really comes back.

I push Royal up. He slides out of me, and a rush of his hot cum slides out with his cock. I wince as I sit up, revisiting the familiar but almost-forgotten soreness that comes from a Royal Dolce pounding. I slide off the hood and catch my balance on the side of the car, struggling to pull up my wet jeans. Tears stream down my face, and I’m grateful that the rain covers them.

I can feel his warm cum sliding down my cold thighs like tears of shame. I didn’t think it was possible to hate myself any more than I already did, but somehow, Royal makes it possible.


Harper Apple

I wrestle my jeans up, my head spinning, trying to come to terms with what just happened. My phone slips out of my back pocket, clattering to the wet asphalt. When I straighten, I toss my hair back, and Royal groans. He grabs me from behind, his thick arm wrapping around my middle and pulling me back against the car’s grill. He nuzzles into my neck, and my throat tightens painfully.

Tags: Selena Erotic