Page 89 of Boys Club

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“That’s how you learn,” Duke says, flashing a cocky grin.

“Oh, I see,” Baron says slowly, nodding as he studies me.

“Don’t try to psychoanalyze me to excuse the sick shit you’re talking about doing,” I snap.

“It doesn’t have to be Magnolia,” Royal says. “There is one other person that selfish leech will come running for.”

“Yeah, but she’s in California,” Duke says.

“Not Dolly,” Baron says, snapping his fingers. “Lindsey.”

There’s a charged silence.

I’m the one who breaks it. “You’re going after his weak little sister again? What did she do to you?”

I remember Lindsey’s blubbering meltdown at the destruction party. She couldn’t even get out of her closet and push through a crowd. There’s no way she can handle gang warfare type shit.

“It’s not about what she did,” Baron explains, as if I’m stupid to have forgotten what he said in the basement. “It’s about what her family did.”

“So, you’re going after an innocent girl because you hate her brother.”

“He’ll show his face for her,” Royal says.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I say. “You’re using her just to get to her brother, because she’s a girl and can’t defend herself from a bunch of thugs?”

“It’s how the world works, Apple,” Duke says. “Welcome aboard.”

“No fucking way,” I say. “You’ll have to think of something else.”

“He went after Gloria first,” Royal says quietly. “That’s how he got away the last time.”

“What did he do to Gloria?”

“Nothing,” he mutters.

“Because we gave in and let him go,” Baron says. “It’s time for him to get a taste of that medicine.”

“So, he played dirty, and that makes it right?” I ask.

“It’s not about what’s right, Cherry Pie,” Duke says. “All’s fair.”

“It’s a good idea,” Baron says. “We left Lindsey alone because she caved after like two days, and it wasn’t any fun. She’s too pathetic to even bother breaking, but her turn was always coming back around. Tick tock, bitch. Time’s up.”

“What are you going to do to her?” I ask, crossing my arms and glaring across the seat at him.

“Whatever it takes,” Royal says quietly.

“What does that mean?”

“What do you think it means?” Duke asks, a manic grin on his face. “Don’t worry. We’ll make it quick and painless. Or at least quick.”

“What if she doesn’t know where he is?”

“Then we’ll send him a message,” Baron says, a gleam of excitement lighting his face. “Videos pack the most punch, don’t you agree, Harper?”

I want to destroy them all over again every time I think about the video they’ve all seen, laughed at, passed around. It’s been a while since I wanted revenge, but I haven’t forgotten what they did to me. Smart people forgive, but they never forget.

“How do you even know it was Preston who blew up your car?” I ask.

Tags: Selena Erotic