Page 84 of Boys Club

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“No,” I say, my hands falling to my sides. I remember Duke’s threat from last night. No matter what happened, there’s not a damn thing I can do to convince him if they say otherwise.

“Not for lack of trying,” Duke says, stretching his arms over his head.

Baron sits and picks up his glasses and my knife from the floor before standing. “Didn’t touch her,” he says. “We tried everything you said to.”

I snatch my knife back and turn on Royal. “What the fuck? Is this some kind of game to you?”

He gives me a cool look. “You wanted to be a Swan. I just wanted to know how bad you wanted in.”

“You were testing me? You really think I’d fuck your brothers? That’s not even part of the initiation, is it? You just wanted a reason to dump me.”

“Hey, don’t be upset about it,” he says with a lazy smile. “You passed.”

“You were never going to let me into the Swans, were you? This is all just a hilarious game to you, seeing what you can make me do. Even if I passed every challenge, you’d never let me in your little, preppy boys club.”

“And you should thank me for that,” he says quietly, his dark eyes going serious.

“Fuck you, Royal,” I say, stomping past him and up the stairs.

“Oh, I will,” he says behind me. “The only question is, should I let you cool down first or rage fuck you right now?”

“Try it and see what happens,” I snap. It feels good to step into the library and slam the door in his face. I’m tired and sore from sleeping on the floor, not to mention I’m wearing the same clothes as yesterday but with the addition of a good amount of dirt. On top of that, I don’t even have my backpack. But there’s only fifteen minutes until school starts, which means I can’t go home without missing first period.

No matter what I said to Baron last night, I still fucking hate Royal half the time.


BadApple: I got what you wanted

MrD: What do you have for me, Darling?

BadApple: info on swans including rules 4 joining n new rules 2

MrD: What new rules?

BadApple: They said a girl can join but has 2b ‘sexed’ in by 3 current members

MrD: Then do that.

BadApple: lol

BadApple: that wud b a no

MrD: What do you think I can use this information for?

I grit my teeth. I fucking hate it when he asks that question. It always means I didn’t give him what he wanted.

BadApple: also got meeting minutes for about 6m after u were booted

MrD: Good work.

BadApple: screenshots on my phone. Want 2 meet so u can get them?

MrD: In due time. You can email them.

BadApple: how come u wanted 2 meet me at 1st but not now? R u afraid I’d recognize u now?

MrD: I ask the questions. You answer.

Tags: Selena Erotic