Page 83 of Bad Apple

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“Could be,” he says.

“Royal?” I press.

“It’s Bye Week, Cherry Pie,” he says with a wink. “Anything’s possible.”

“Bye—Week!”Cotton and DeShaun chant in unison, deep in their throats, and they all high-five.

Maybe it wasn’t any of them. Maybe it was Colt. He said he’d bring me clothes. He could have brought me his sister’s bike. Sure, it looked brand new, but I can’t think of a reason Royal would get me a bike. Duke’s the one who said mine was trash, the one who might have owed me a little for what I did. And I already told him he was forgiven.

Royal hasn’t spoken a word to me since the arrest.

I go to my seat and try not to think about it. I wish he’d make up his mind. Every time I start to put him out of my mind, he reels me back in. And once I’m in, he pushes me away again. I’m getting whiplash trying to keep up with his game of red light-green light.

But if it was him… Does that mean I have a shot after all?

Dixie rushes into class at the last minute and slides into her seat at our table, out of breath. Her cheeks are pink from the nip in the air outside, her eyes sparkling.

“How was homecoming?” I ask, glancing between her and Quinn, feeling like I’m missing something.

“Oh, it was fine,” Dixie says. “Lo won, but everyone knew she would.”

“Maybe next year,” I offer.

“Everleigh will win next year,” she says, not sounding at all concerned by this.

“What’s this Bye Week thing?” I ask. “I take it everyone’s not fired up to support bisexuals. Is it a sportsball thing?”

The teacher glares at us, so I don’t get an answer. A few minutes later, though, an email comes through from Dixie with a link to her blog.

Willow Heights Gossip Grrl

Bye Week!

If you’re a WHPA lifer, you know what Bye Week means. It’s the time of year when everyone goes a little crazy, battle lines are forgotten, and inhibitions fly out the window… And a few surprises emerge!

If you’re new to the halls of WHPA, Bye Week is more than a week off for the football team. It’s a week of fun and community, where we’re all just a little bit more relaxed, and, if you ask me, a little bit better. The social ladder is put in storage and boundaries between cliques melt away.

This year, it’s also Halloween, which means things will get even crazier than usual! The regular rules don’t apply this week. It's the perfect excuse to do that crazy thing you’ve been too afraid to do. Take the next step and wear a couples costume with that cutie you’ve been vibing with. Get into a little trouble this weekend. Confess your feelings to a secret crush you thought was out of your league! Anything goes!

The Scoop:

All eyes will be on the Dolce boys this wild weekend. Will they finally make things official with one of their Dolce girls? Rumor has it the Waltons are vying for permanent positions on their arms and in their… Hearts. ?? One thing’s for sure: There’s bound to be a few new couples by this time next week!

Must have item of the week: An invite to Cotton Montgomery’s annual Bye-Week Bash. Anyone who’s anyone will be there!

I resist the urge to scroll down Dixie’s blog and read more. I don’t want to know what’s been said about me in her other posts. Still, I decide to check in on the blog more often. It was hugely informative, and for once, I’m not in the dark. I leave a comment thanking Dixie for her explanation and shoot her a smile as we work.



I dream

Of her tight little body under mine

Helpless and loving it

Begging for more

Tags: Selena Erotic