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I wish I hadn’t changed, that I’d just gone downstairs. Now they’re in my space, and I feel even more vulnerable and defensive. I edge onto my bed and wrap my arms around a fat lilac pillow, holding it in front of me as if it can shield me from their accusations.

“I was still seeing him,” I admit. “But I’m not anymore.”

Dad’s eyes narrow, and he studies me like I’m not his daughter but some conniving stranger who might be tricking him into giving up mafia secrets I can later use against him. I remember Devlin’s words, and I hate that he planted those seeds of doubt in my mind, but now I can’t help the suspicions that creep in, whispering in the back of my mind. Memories sneak in unbidden—Royal waking up and asking for Dad, saying he didn’t want to be moved again. Dad asking what Royal said when he woke up in the hospital. Royal saying he went through that to protect me somehow. What did they do?

“That whole family is out to destroy us,” Dad says. “They turned my building site into a crime scene. I’ve just now been cleared to go ahead with it. What are you doing messing with them behind our backs, Crystal? Your loyalty is to this family and this family alone.”

I nod. He’s right. It shouldn’t matter what he did. Devlin’s family is just as bad, and they’re trying to destroy ours. They’ve both done shady, horrible things. Why am I holding my family to a standard that his doesn’t meet? I have an obligation to protect my family, not let the Darlings infiltrate my family, my heart.

“And all this time, for months, you’ve been sleeping with that piece of shit,” Royal says. “You don’t even care what they did to me, do you? As long as you can have your little fuck buddy.”

“He’s not a fuck buddy,” I snap. “It wasn’t like that. I care about him.”

“Well, stop it,” King says. “You can’t be seeing a Darling. Not when our families are at war.”

“They drove us out of town twenty years ago,” Dad says. “Now, we’re going to drive them out. When we’re done with them, there won’t be a single Darling left in Faulkner. They’ve hurt our family long enough. Look what they did to Royal. I’m not going to let them hurt my little girl, too.”

“Their reign is over, Crystal,” King says, his dark eyes locked on mine. “Do you want to go down with them, or do you want to be standing with the victors at the end?”

I don’t care about victory or taking anyone down, but they’re right about my betrayal. Their accusations are the truth. I risked my family’s wrath by continuing to see Devlin. I knew what was at stake. I knew the consequences. Now it’s time to face them.

“I’m sorry,” I say. “I’m sorry I kept seeing him, and I’m so sorry for what happened to you, Royal. I don’t want to make it worse, and if me seeing Devlin hurts you, then I’m so fucking sorry. I should never have risked that. I just… I didn’t know what to do. You’ve always been my rock, and I wanted to be that for you, but you kept pushing me away.”

“You’re saying it’s my fault?” Royal asks. “That I pushed you into his arms?”

“No,” I say sharply. “I just didn’t know where to turn. And he was there, and he makes me feel good. I’m sorry, but that’s the truth.”

“I was here,” King says quietly. “Why didn’t you come to me?”

“Because you shouldn’t have to hold us all up,” I say. “You shouldn’t have to hold us together, and you take on so much already. I know you’re dealing with what happened to Royal. I’m sorry. I should have just gone to you. But how was I supposed to tell you that I want to be with Devlin?”

“You want to be with him?”

“No,” I say, shaking my head. “I mean, I do, but I don’t want to hurt anyone.”

“And I want a flying unicorn that farts out kittens,” Royal says. “Grow the fuck up, Crystal.”

“It doesn’t matter what you want,” Dad says to me. “You can’t see him anymore, Crystal. Do you understand?”

I nod, a lump in my throat. “I know.”

“Good,” he says. “Because he’s doomed along with the rest of that family. They’ve all signed their own death warrants, and we won’t stop until every last one of them is six feet under—or wishes they were.”

That’s when I realize how stupid I’ve been. I may love Devlin, but I’ve put him in danger, and not just from his grandfather. It’s my family that’s the problem, like he said all along. My grandfather killed an innocent man to frame Preston’s dad. My mother is a mafia princess. My dad admitted they were all involved. He’s not just saying these things. He fully intends to end lives.

I sit up, dropping my pillow. “Don’t hurt them,” I say, my heart racing. “Not Devlin. I get that you want revenge for them running you out of town when you were younger, but the Darling cousins weren’t even alive then.”

“I thought you didn’t like him anymore,” Royal says, his eyes narrowing.

“I won’t see him anymore,” I say to Dad. “I promise, Daddy. I’ll never see him again if you leave him alone. If you don’t hurt Devlin.”

He blows out a breath, a frown creasing his brow. “Fine,” he says after a pause. “I suppose there’s no harm in leaving a kid or two around. They won’t have any power once their parents are gone. We’ll be running this town by then.”

“Exactly,” I say, nodding frantically, terrified he’ll change his mind. “Please don’t hurt Devlin. Or his cousins. It’s not fair to go after people who never hurt you. None of them deserve that.”

Royal snorts, but he doesn’t say anything. He only glares at Dad with a sullen expression, waiting for his answer. I think about adding Devlin’s dad, but I know Dad would never let go of his grudge against him. If I can keep Devlin safe, that’s enough. The cousins are a bonus.

Dad sighs. “I’ll leave them out of it. But if you’re lying…”

Tags: Selena Willow Heights Prep Academy: The Elite Dark