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How can I choose between my family and my lover? Between everyone I’ve ever known and loved, the brothers who have protected me, cared for me, fought with me, teased me, picked me up when I fell, and a boy who tormented, teased, and callously hurt me? How can I choose between my own twin, a boy who has been by my side since we swam together in the darkness of our mother’s womb, and one I just met? And how can it be this hard to choose?

When I walk into lunch the next Monday, my eyes are drawn to the Darling’s table, the way they always are. I immediately spot some drama going on, and nosy bitch that I am, I want to stop and watch, see why three of the Dolls are openly sobbing and clinging to each other. A dart of panic goes through me, and my gaze skips over the group until it lands on Devlin.

He’s okay.

He smiles, and my heart skips for a new reason. But I tear my eyes away and glance over to my table. Royal is already there, watching me. I hurry over, pretending not to notice Devlin’s smile, or that Colt is standing in front of the table where the girls are crying.

“Did you see what’s happening at the Darling table?” Dixie asks, nearly bouncing out of her seat in her excitement.

“Calm down there, Dixie,” I say. “You’re about to pop out a boob.”

“Dude, you’re such a buzz-kill,” Duke says, tearing his gaze from my friend’s bouncing chest and aiming a pout at me.

“Sorry, not sorry,” I say, rolling my eyes. “You’re not supposed to hit on my friends, remember?”

“Hey, I’m not hitting on her,” he says. “That doesn’t mean I can’t look at her tits.”

“Um, yeah,” I say. “It does. She has a face.”

“Yeah, but why would I look at that when her tits are bouncing like they need a dick between them?”

“I don’t think that would stop the bouncing,” Baron says.

“Only one way to find out,” Duke says with a grin.

King and Dolly join us, scooting in at their usual places.

“That deal’s off, anyway,” Royal snaps at me.

Oh, right. They didn’t fuck my friends because I didn’t fuck anyone. Now that I’m with Devlin, I guess my friends are fair game. They’re already dating Dolly, anyway.

“Anything good happening today?” Dolly asks the table.

I shrug. “Looks like Colt’s dumping the cheer squad.”

“Oh my god,” Dixie squeals. “Do you think he’ll ask me out?”

“Are you stupid enough to go?” Royal asks.

“Stop being rude to my friends,” I say, glaring at him. “Dixie didn’t do shit to you.”

Royal glares daggers back at me. “When you stop being the Darlings’ cum dumpster, I’ll be nice to your friends again.”

My face flushes, but I can’t tell if it’s embarrassment that he’d talk to me that way—in front of my friends, no less—or anger.

“Whoa,” King says, putting an arm around Royal. I can tell it’s not the friendly type of hold. It’s his silent way of communicating when other people are around and he can’t say, “Get yourself together or I’ll pretend to be supportive while really crushing your ribs with my bare hands.” I’ve never been more glad to have him for an older brother.

“No offense, but I think you could really use someone to talk to,” Dolly says in her sugary Southern twang. She unsnaps her suitcase-sized pink sequin purse and pulls out a Dr. Pepper. “My whole family went when my dad got remarried. I’d be happy to pass along my doctor’s number. He’s real sweet.”

“I don’t need a fucking therapist,” Royal says, slamming his fist down on the table.

I jump, and so does Dixie, who shrinks closer to me like I can protect her.

“What do you need?” I ask my brother quietly.

Tags: Selena Willow Heights Prep Academy: The Elite Dark