Page 27 of His First Love

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I wipe the tear running down my cheek. I left a note to Antoine; Philipp was supposed to give it to him. I told him I love him, and I'm sorry, but I couldn't let him give up everything he had because of me. Family is the most important thing in life, and maybe now he doesn't understand it, but he will if he loses it. And he would blame me for the rest of our lives.

I get closer to the ranch, unable to believe that it hasn't changed since the moment I last saw it, almost nine years ago.

There are no more sheep; there's just a vast meadow with trees and flowers. A couple of benches on both sides stand next to palm trees which makes a perfect place to sit and read.

I didn't believe it at first. When I found this place on Airbnb, I thought my mind was fooling me, playing tricks with my memory.

But here I am, standing next to my used-to-be home, which its new owners turned into a small family inn.

I made a reservation for the whole week. I cannot afford to stay here longer; I have no money. But I'm home now. I'll figure something out.

I said nothing to Fiona. She doesn't deserve an explanation, especially after everything she made me go through. Let her suffer a little as she wanted me to for the rest of my life. When she figures out where I am, I'll be long gone.

I'll probably travel to Asia because everyone says it's cheap to live there. I'll try to become a wedding photographer or something. I dream of shooting stars and nature but need money to live.

I'll figure something out. Later. Now I just want to enjoy my stay.

I enter the familiar hallway of the house, and my heart squeezes, memories coming back to me all at once, like pieces of the puzzle you were finally able to collect.

There's no one in here. I look around. They did a slight makeover to refresh this place, but mostly it's left as it was almost a decade ago.

"Hello," I shout, waiting for the owner to respond.

"I'm here." I hear a familiar low voice, and my heart stops.

No, that can't be him; I'm hallucinating. Yesterday, I thought I saw Antoine at the train station, and I was disappointed that it was my mind playing tricks with me.

I take a few steps to the dining room, where I'm sure I heard the voice. My legs are shaking as I walk.

When I enter the room, I see Antoine, my love, my one, sitting at the dining table dressed up in a light beige shirt, brown pants, and shoes. He looks as if he just walked off the cover of Forbes, no less.

I gasp in surprise, unable to believe it.

"What took you so long?" he asks easily and stands up, walking to me. "I expected you yesterday."

Am I dreaming? If so, it's a very, very bad dream. I know I'll wake up and cry for the whole day after this dream.

"It's me, Cami. I'm real," he says as if reading my mind as he comes closer and takes me gently by the shoulders.

"How did you...What are you..." I gasp for air, suffocating with happiness.

"You lied to me," he says, but I don't see anger on his face. "You promised to take me with you, but you left."

Yes, I did. My heart shrinks, and I feel my eyes get wet again.

"But no matter how many times you'll run away, I'll always find a road to you," he says and lowers his head for a kiss.

As we kiss, I feel my legs become weak, and I can barely stand, holding on to Antoine's arms for support.

"Cami," he whispers into my mouth. "Mine, you're mine, forever mine..."

He keeps kissing me, hugging me, touching me, and I can't think of anything else but how stupid I was to leave him. How could I do that? I can't live without him! I couldn't even stop thinking about him for a second.

"How did you find me?" I ask, pulling away. My head is still spinning.

He takes me by the hand and leads me to the table. He pushes back the chair for me to take a seat.

"It wasn't hard." He grins, taking a seat next to me and moving closer. "I knew it's your favorite place in the whole world." He takes my hand and wraps my wrist in his palms.

Tags: Kate J. Blake Erotic