Page 23 of His First Love

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"What?" I ask right away, frowning.

"Nothing." She shakes her head.

I wouldn't say I like it when she's afraid to tell me something.

"I want you to tell me everything on your mind," I say seriously, without breaking our eye contact.

"Do you always use condoms?" She asks the question I didn't expect at all.

I look at the pack in my hand and say, "Yes."

"And you never...tried making love without it?"

Making love...From Cami's lips, it sounds so sweet; that's what I'm going to do with her tonight.

"I never made love before, so the answer is'no'," I say honestly, smiling at her.

She blushes, and I realize the reason for her question.

"Do you want me to be bare when I enter you?" I can't believe I’m asking this. I would never even mention it if it was some other girl but Cami. Too many women dream of getting pregnant with my child to get a provided wealthy future for them.

She nods silently, and I can't believe my ears.

"I understand if you refuse," she mumbles right away when she sees how surprised I am. "It's just that...I always imagined my first time without a condom."

It takes me a couple of moments to realize how serious she is about it. I know she isn't trying to take advantage of me.

"Don't listen to me." She shakes her head. "I'm sure I'll enjoy my first time no less with a condom if it's with you."

I don't want her to think I'm afraid she is trying to use me. She doesn't even know that I'm rich or anything. Moreover, she had already agreed to marry another man.

My heart shrinks when I think about it. What if I don't make Cami choose me? She'll be gone forever.

"It would be my pleasure," I say with a smile, and she relaxes a little. " you know how babies are made?"

She laughs. "I'm on the pill."

I raise an eyebrow in a silent question.

"Yeah." She nods. "For about a year already. The doctor prescribed them to me to regulate my cycle. So don't worry, I won't make you a dad in the near future."

She keeps smiling, looking at me and brushing her fingers over my chest. It is supposed to calm me down but only saddens me.

I find myself wanting to get Cami pregnant. That would make everything so much easier. Her fiancé will refuse to take her as a wife, while my father will pay any price to her aunt to step away. Dad might be pissed, but he won't let his grandson live without his family. Family is everything to him.

But that's not the option, and I know that. Even if Cami weren't on the pill, I would never cheat to make her pregnant without her permission; that wouldn't be fair. She has to make her own decisions. If she loves me, she has to choose me despite everything. It has to beherchoice.She needs to agree to run away with me, and then I'll tell her the truth about who I am.

I throw the pack of condoms away, and it falls on the floor. Cami laughs, but I see a bit of worry in her look.

"I won't hurt you," I whisper, taking my dick in my hand. "I promise."

"I know," she assures me right away. "It's just...exciting."

"I know." I nod. I understand perfectly. Even though I’ve had sex plenty of times, I've never done it with Cami. I’ve nevermade loveto someone. I'm excited, no less.

I spread her legs wider and direct the head of my dick to her hole. I find her wet and welcoming, and I rub my dick around it, postponing the penetration.

I lean closer and give her a kiss. She responds, gently sucking my lower lip. I feel how tense her body is, and I can hear how fast her heart is beating.

Tags: Kate J. Blake Erotic