Page 34 of Take Me Gently

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Ten years later


"Just one more spoon, and I promise, it's going to be the last," I plead, holding Teresa on my lap while she grimaces in response, pushing my hand away from her face.

I know she hates broccoli puree. I tried it once, and it's disgusting: a pure vegetable with no salt or any other spices. But the doctor told me it's good for her immune system, and I do my best to give it to her at least once a week.

"Ewwww yuck." James grimaces in disgust, looking at the teaspoon I hold in my hand.

"Unlike your sister, you ate broccoli with pleasure," I remind him, although he never believes me, no matter that it's true.

I can't believe I have two kids already, a toddler boy and an infant girl, who is now smiling at me after realizing that I'm not going to feed her anymore.

I never thought of myself as a father. After everything I went through as a child, I thought I'd never have any of my own. I didn’t believe I could be a good parent.

But then Savannah convinced me that I would. I didn't believe her at first, but there's nothing I wouldn't do for this woman, and that's why I tried. And now I'm the one who’s trying to convince her that we need another baby.

Because I've never been this happy in my life before.

I hear the door open, and I see my gorgeous but slightly tired wife walking in. Savi went back to work two weeks ago, right after she finished breastfeeding Teresa. She never stopped working, to be honest. She loves her job so much that she worked from home, getting back to the office from time to time.

"Mommy!" James yells, running to Savi and jumping into her arms.

"" Teresa clasps in joy, a smile appearing on her face when she sees her mom.

"Hello, my loves." Savi places her bag on the coffee table and grabs James into her arms.

"Don't lift him up, honey. He's already too big for you," I warn, afraid she might feel pain in her back the way she did about a month ago. That day, she held James in her arms almost the whole day, simply to convince him that she loves him no less than she loves Teresa.

"I'm not," James says, offended, looking at me angrily, and I laugh.

She comes closer to me and kisses Teresa's forehead before pressing her lips to mine.

James turns away when we kiss, grimacing in disgust.

"I missed you," I whisper into her mouth, inhaling her scent.

"I missed you too." She smiles at me, brushing her fingers over my hair. "I guess you got tired."

"Of course not." I shake my head. "Clara went home only two hours ago."

The nanny of our kids, a sixty-three-year-old former nurse who comes to help out with our children four times a week, is simply amazing. Her presence in our life allows us to go to work. Although I'm not stuck to my office desk, I still want to work.

I work in Silicon Valley, as does Savi. She's an engineer, while I simply help new companies start to grow. They call me an angel investor, but I don't like that. I'm not an angel at all.

Savi's parents also help us with the kids. Savi told them about moving in with me immediately after she did it, and to my surprise, they weren't angry about it. They freaked out a little at first, but after we met, they changed their minds because they saw how much we love each other. It was impossible not to see that.

"After we put them to bed, I'll run a bath for us," I offer, looking at the clock and hoping Savi won't pass out earlier than the kids.

She's sleeping a lot less lately, considering she just went back to work, and I don't like that. I want her to stay happy and healthy; that's why I try to do my best to make her feel good.

"And then I'll give you a foot massage," I continue, and her eyes go round with anticipation.

I know how much my wife likes my massages. And she knows exactly how much I love to give them, too, especially the part when the massage ends, and we start making love.

"Have I told you that you're the best husband a woman can dream about?" she asks with a smile, leaning in for another kiss.

"You did, but I'll never get tired of hearing that." I smile in response, getting up from my chair.

And then we both go to our kids' bedrooms to get them to bed.

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Tags: Kate J. Blake Erotic