Page 13 of Make Me Believe

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"But that's not fair!" she protests, squeezing my hand in hers. "You know my secret about reading romance novels, so now I wanna know one of yours."

I chuckle. "What do you want to know, angel?"

"Why do you lock yourself in the basement and not allow anyone to come in?" she asks right away.

She was probably thinking about it before if she's wondering now.

And I want to tell her the truth, I really do, but it's not the right time, not yet.

"To watch porn so no one can hear me," I lie and laugh at myself at how ridiculous this might sound. She will never believe me.

"Zac," she says strictly and breaks our handhold. "I'm serious. If you want me to trust you, tell me at least something."

She's right. I want her to trust me, and I agree that we shouldn't have secrets from each other if I want this to work out.

But I just can't tell her about the basement—it's too soon.

"I don't want to be a professional swimmer," I assert, grabbing her hand again.

"But why? You swim so well, you’ve won so many competitions, you..."

"I just don't like it that much," I interrupt, not letting her finish.

I don't want her to continue convincing me; that's what my father has been doing my whole life. He says if I want to become successful one day, I need to train and discipline myself.

"Then what do you want to be?" she asks after a long pause.

"An artist," I confess, and only now do I realize that I have never told this to anyone before.

"An artist?" she clarifies, surprised. "Can you draw?"

"I can," I whisper, stroking her ear with my lips. "And now sleep."

"Will you enroll in the School of Arts then?"

I laugh and slightly bite her ear. "That's a second question, my dear, and we only agreed on one."

She keeps quiet for a moment but then adds, "I’ll tell you what I want to do after graduation if you tell me."

"You want to be a writer. I already know that."

She hums, displeased, stroking my hand with her fingers.

"Stop being so curious." I smile. "Tomorrow I have a test at school, and after that, I want to see you right here, and I will undress you much more slowly than today."

"Will I be able to undress you?" she asks.

"Absolutely, I promise."

A couple of minutes later, I start to hear her soft snoring, but as for me, I won't be able to fall asleep that fast, especially when her ass is pressed to my boxers.

Why did I decide to be a gentleman today? I almost regret it.

Almost. Because tomorrow will be another day, and this girl will finally become mine.

Chapter Nine


Tags: Kate J. Blake Romance