Page 36 of The Christmas Thief

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"I know that it's ridiculous, but I'm gonna miss them so much when they leave for college in a couple of months," She speaks so pitifully that I almost regret asking her to leave.


"I know one cure for boredom that can help us not miss them too much," I whisper and brush my index finger along her abdomen.

Last month we went to Crystal's gynecologist together for some tests to tell us if we can still become parents someday. I never doubted that we could, and I asked Crystal to quit taking her pills the second we said yes at the registry office, but my wife was adamant. She said that we had to do all the necessary tests, and only when the results were ready and the doctor approved would she agree to begin trying to get pregnant again.

What can I say? That's my wife: she's attentive and careful, so unlike me. But that proves to me once again that she's gonna be a wonderful mother.

Our results came in a week after, and the doctor said that we're both still young enough to have a bunch of children if we want.

But Crystal asked me to wait a couple of months more so we can send our children off to college and it won't be stressful for them.

I disagreed with her. I think they would react positively, but of course, I support her every decision.

"I stopped taking pills a week ago," she says with a smile, and my eyes widen. "And yes, I'm serious, Jack," she laughs and wraps her arms around my neck. "I don't want to wait any longer. I love you, and I want to have as many babies with you as we can."

I grab her in my arms and start spinning her around the office. She gasps, telling me to stop, but I don't.

I love her, and there's nothing in this world that I want more than to make her the mother of my children.

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Tags: Kate J. Blake Romance