Page 31 of The Christmas Thief

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He will never believe me; he will always need to check on me, and these challenges will never stop.

Because angels should never fall in love with demons.

Chapter Fifteen


Something happened, something terrible. I know it; I can feel it under my skin.

It's nine-thirty in the morning, and Crystal is still not here. We agreed to meet at nine to sign the contract, but she always comes in earlier, even if it's a regular workday.

I felt that something went wrong when we said goodbye the day before yesterday. I drove her home straight from the airport. She didn't even kiss me. She just gave me a cursory peck as if we were college friends, and then she walked away quickly.

She was too quiet when we were in the car. She was pretending to be tired, but I knew something was going on.

But I didn’t dare ask her what happened. I was afraid she would tell me she doesn’t want to be with me because we work together.

I texted her to tell her good night, but she didn’t text me back.

I then texted her like three thousand times yesterday, and she hadn’t responded to any of those messages either.

I wanted to come to her place, but we agreed that she'd spend Sunday with her daughter, and that's why I waited.

But I'm not a very patient man, especially when it comes to Crystal.

I couldn’t sleep last night, and that's when I realized the only thing that was missing was her.

I can't sleep without this woman anymore because I love her.

This awareness hits me like a tsunami.

I love her, and that's the point. I don't want to date her; I want to live with her. I want to wake up every day and see her lying next to me, snoring into the pillow. Because I’ve never felt calm and tranquility like I did those two nights we spent together.

"Come in!" I yell when someone knocks on my office door.

"Mr. Harden, I have a message from one of our employees, Crystal Wilson," my secretary Chase says when he comes in.

"Did something happen?" I get up from my chair so rapidly that Chase jumps in surprise.

"She just quit," he says in a concerned voice and hands me some papers.

I take a look, and my stomach knots.

The application for Mr. Jack Harden.

Thank you for the offer to work at your company as the head of the marketing office, but I have to decline. I don't think I would be a good fit for a job where people always lie and deceive, and that's why I’ve decided to try my luck somewhere else.

Thank you for your understanding.

And her letter of resignation is attached to the message.

I feel hot, then ice cold, and then blisteringly hot again.

Thank you for your understanding?Is she fucking kidding me? No way will I accept that.

I grab the phone from my desk and throw it against the wall in anger. And then I rip the documents Chase gave me into pieces.

Chase is frozen in place, eyes wide. Even he’s never seen me this furious before.

Tags: Kate J. Blake Romance