Page 21 of Our Little Secret

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I relaxed into his side, my head on his chest, the warmth of his body comforting me. I knew that come tomorrow night I would miss this, miss falling asleep in his arms, and because of that I didn’t want the night to end. I rolled away from him, and I felt him roll onto his side, pulling me back against his chest. I closed my eyes, relishing in the warmth of his body, and felt his lips on the back of my neck, his breath tickling me. “I’m going to miss this tomorrow night,” he whispered. “So much.”


The trip homehad been a long one. Ainsley and I had returned a little after ten. From the airport we'd gone to the office, and while I spent most of my day in meetings with human resources going over the hiring for the new office, Ainsley worked away on some monthly reports for me.

When I’d returned from the meetings, I’d noticed Ainsley looked exhausted as she worked away. I’d gone into my office and gathered my things and then made my way over to her desk. She looked up at me from behind her computer screen and gave me a soft smile.

“I’m just about finished with those reports you’d asked for, except for two. I think I am going to need a little more time on those.”

I didn’t say anything. I just studied her gorgeous face and nodded.

“I mean, I can get them done for you before I go, but it may take me until eight.”

I looked down the hall to the left, then to the right, before taking a step in behind her desk and placing my hands on her shoulders. I gently began massaging her and could feel her body stiffen at my touch. I bent down and placed a kiss on top of her head then leaned in and whispered into her ear, “No more work tonight. It’s a good night to head home and get some rest.”

She looked up at me, then smiled, placing her right hand onto mine. “You’re right,” she murmured. “This can wait until tomorrow then?”

“It can.”

I reached in front of her and shut off her computer screen, then held my hand out for her to take. She hesitantly took it then stood up and reached for her purse and coat. It was only a matter of minutes before we were speeding off in my car.

I’d been home for a little over three hours. I’d eaten and showered and now stood in the kitchen in boxers and a T-shirt and reached for my favorite rock glass from the cupboard. I placed it onto the counter and listened as the ice I dropped into the glass jingled. I reached for my favorite bottle of scotch and poured myself three fingers, then I grabbed the remote and turned on the radio, jazz pouring out of the speaker.

This was my quiet time, the time I usually relished having, only tonight something felt different. I sat down and closed my eyes and thought about the kiss she'd given me before I'd shut the trunk of the car. The trunk had given us just enough privacy to keep her father from seeing anything out of his front window. That kiss had been soft, gentle, and firm, and one she had initiated herself for the first time. Then she took her bags and made her way home, while I watched.

I'd regretted not noticing her last night when she'd put herself out there. I'd known that had taken a lot for her to do. I'd walked in like an asshole, not even looking her way, completely consumed with the fact that my ex-wife was once again holding Nikki over my head. Even though I’d talked to her about it, it still was haunting me.

I blew out a breath, took a sip of my scotch, and then sat down at the table and pulled my laptop in front of me. I had paperwork that needed to get finished, yet I couldn’t concentrate. Instead, I glanced down at my phone, hoping that Ainsley would have messaged me, but there was nothing.

I took another sip of my scotch and rested my head against the back of my chair, closing my eyes, allowing the music to invade me. I jumped at the sound of my phone vibrating against the table and smiled as I looked down at my screen.

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