Page 9 of Constraint

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I looked at my mother, knowing full well what was coming. "Mom, just ask me what you want to know."

"Well, I guess I was wondering if maybe you went to see Jackson?"

"Mom, don't do this," I begged, letting out a huff.

"Do what, baby girl? It's an honest question."

"Do this! Exactly what you are doing. Jackson and I are over, and we've been over for five years. There is no more us, nor will there be any more us."

"I just figured you would want to see him. I mean, it's been a long time, Bailey." She set the plate of pancakes down in front of me along with the syrup, then looked at me. "Honey, I think it’s time you at least speak to him."

"No, Mom, it isn't. I closed that chapter on my life a long time ago. Please respect that."

"Bailey, I do. Don't think that I don't."

She turned back to the stove, and I looked down at the pile of food in front of me, suddenly loosing my appetite. I was so lost in thought that I'd barely noticed she'd flipped the last pancake onto her plate and sat down across from me.

"Aren't you going to eat?" she questioned when I hadn't already sunk my fork into the fluffy stack of pancakes that I had coated in syrupy goodness just before she had started this conversation.

I shook my head. "I've suddenly lost my appetite."

I got up from the table and placed my partially full mug on the counter and walked out of the kitchen.

"Honey, you need to eat. You work today."

"I'll grab something there and, just so you, know if you’re expecting Jackson and I to get back together, you can forget it. We are over. You can tell that to Mrs. Fisher too."

"Order is for table ten, Bailey!"Dan yelled from where he was pouring a couple of beers for two men sitting at the bar.

I nodded and slid the tray onto my hand, carefully balancing it. I turned and began walking toward the table when I caught eyes with Grant Malone. He and Ryan were seated in my section. I dropped the drinks off at table ten, quickly taking their food order, and then made my way over to the two men.

"Well, Bailey Scott, as I live and breathe," Grant said, flashing me that sexy smile every woman loved. "I wasn't sure I'd ever see you back here ever again."

"Hey, Grant, Ryan, how are you?"

"Good, love. Nice to see your pretty face back here," Grant said.

"Thanks. It's a little surreal being back here, but it's good to be back with Mom. What can I get for you guys tonight?"

"Whatever is on tap," they both said in unison.

I let out a laugh. "Okay." I smiled and was about to turn away when Grant cleared his throat.

"So, when did you get back in town?"

"About a week ago now. Cara practically begged me to come back to help with wedding plans," I answered, glancing to Ryan, who smiled at me.

"Yeah, Ryan mentioned that you might return," he said, looking in Ryan's direction. "How's your Mom been? I haven't seen her in a while."

"She's good. She's been busy with her gardening club, but she is glad to have me back home. Is it just going to be the two of you tonight?" I questioned, trying to calm the butterflies in my stomach at the thought of Jackson possibly joining them.

"Yeah, it's just us."

"All right, two of whatever is on tap, coming up!" I said as I threw two coasters down on the table.

I was halfway back to the bar when the door was shoved open and three members from the Donnelly gang walked in. Things apparently hadn't changed around here, I thought to myself. These guys always had frequented Hooligans. The three of them stopped just inside the door and took a look around. One of them looked in my direction, smiled, and looked longingly at me. Chills ran through me as his eyes ran the length of my body before meeting my eyes again. I'd hoped that Grant and the rest of the Sunnyville Police had run them out of the area after Connor’s death, but they hadn't. There had been a lot of speculation that it had been one of those members Connor had happened across the night he'd been killed, but no one could know for sure. Regardless, I swallowed hard and put it to the back of my mind that one of these very men could be the one responsible for my brother’s death. As I walked by them on my way to the bar, I heard one of them give a low whistle. I ignored them, until the three of them came over to the bar, taking a seat next to me.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" he said, running his finger along my arm. "I'm Garrick. This is Linden and Dorian. What's your name, beautiful?"

Tags: S.L. Sterling Erotic