Page 42 of Constraint

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"Bailey, you just fainted. I think you need to wait a little longer, make sure you are all right before you get up."

"Yeah, I'm keeping an eye on my phone, Bailey," Cara said, rubbing my thigh.

"No, we need to go. Please, I'll get my stuff," I said as Dan helped me to slowly get up, making sure I was steady on my feet before I took a step.

My heart wasin my throat as we walked into the entrance of the hospital. Immediately, Cara went over to the information desk and in a panic started asking if they had any information on the officer who had been shot. I watched as the woman behind the desk shook her head, denying giving any information out to her. I hung my head and looked around when I finally spotted Grant Malone standing off in the corner on the phone.

I walked over and tapped Cara on the shoulder, but she shrugged me off and continued bombarding the girl with questions.

"Come, Cara, I know where they are," I said, pulling on her arm, smiling at the girl behind the desk who looked annoyed.

"What? Where are they?" she said, almost falling as she stumbled on the carpet.

"Grant is right there," I said, pointing in his direction.

We both walked over and stood in front of Grant. Every part of my body remembered this scene only a few short years ago. My eyes burned at the memory of the night Connor had been killed. It was like I was reliving that night all over again. Everything even smelled the same.

"Any news?" Cara questioned as Grant looked at both of us.

"Ryan is fine, Cara. He just went to grab some coffees," Grant said, looking to me with a look I had seen once before. Panic filled my body, and everything seemed to move to a dream-like state as I stood there looking back at Grant.

"Oh thank God," Cara said, sitting down on the closest chair looking relieved.

I couldn't even focus on Cara or anything she had said as I looked back to Grant, waiting for the news I already knew I wasn't ready to hear. He went to say something, but I held my hand up, stopping him. I tried to take a deep breath as a feeling of dread filled me. My chest felt like it was going to explode at any minute, and I covered my mouth to stop the sobs from escaping.

"It's Jackson, sweetie. He's in surgery. We are waiting to hear."

In that instant, every ounce of air had been sucked from the room, and I turned around to try to gather whatever strength I had in me, but I could feel myself crumbling with each second that passed. I was numb all over, and I turned back to see Grant standing there looking at me. I felt his hands on my shoulders and immediately, I collapsed into him, hugging him tight as I allowed the tears to fall.

"He has to be okay, right?" I asked. "I mean, he has to be."

Grant didn't say anything. He just hugged me tight as I sobbed, mumbling those same words over and over again.

"Come, Bailey, sit down." Grant guided me over to the empty chair beside Cara and helped me sit down. "Cara, can you please get a tea for Bailey."

"Of course."

Before I knew it, Grant held a hot cup of tea out for me to take. "Just sip on this okay," he said, sitting on the edge of a chair beside me.

I took a sip of the hot liquid and tried to calm myself down. I looked to Cara, who placed her hand on my thigh.

"Sir, can we speak to you for a moment."

I looked up to see two young uniformed officers standing before us waiting to talk to Grant. Grant made sure I was okay before getting up and moving off to the side with the other two officers. Cara and Ryan sat with me doing their best to distract me when Grant approached us.

"I have to head back to the station. They've brought in the guys we've been looking for," he said, clearing his throat.

"The guy responsible for doing this to Jackson?" I asked.

Grant nodded. "A member of the Donnelly gang, Dorian Patton," he said and turned to leave the hospital.

My blood ran cold at the name of the Donnelly gang member. I got up and ran after Grant, finally getting his attention just outside of the emergency room doors.

"Bailey, what is it?" he questioned.

"Grant, I just wanted to let you know that Garrick and Jackson had a confrontation the other night at Hooligans. I didn't hear what was said, but I am sure he threatened Jackson. Garrick also approached me in the park today at the picnic. He's been after me since the first night he walked into Hooligans. Anyways, he said something about meeting me at the bar tonight and waiting to take me home since my boyfriend wouldn't be able to."

"Thanks for letting me know," he said. "Now you get inside, rest."

Tags: S.L. Sterling Erotic