Page 32 of Constraint

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"What, sneak around? I don't see why we couldn't. It would make me feel like I'm fifteen again to sneak into your bedroom window at two in the morning to screw around."

"Oh God, don't remind me of that." She giggled, a light blush coming to her cheeks. "I still can't believe that no one heard us."

"I know, although I am pretty sure your brother may have because a couple weeks later, he mentioned something to me." I chuckled as I thought back to the memory of that night. It was the first time we'd had sex. I could remember kissing her and telling her to be quiet because her brother had been asleep on the other side of the wall and her mother was just down the hall.

"Oh my God, are you serious?" she said, burying her face in her hands once again.

I nodded and smiled and then took a sip of my hot coffee. "I say we start at brunch. I say I pretend to run into you just outside of the room, and we go in together. We can sit together as well."

"I don't know, Jackson. They are going to know."

I shook my head. "No they won't."

Bailey looked at me, completely unconvinced, but still held that curious little smile on her face that I'd always found so adorable when she thought I was being totally ridiculous.

"All right, we will try it your way."


Bailey - A Week Later

I sat on the couch in the living room watching TV when my mother emerged from her bedroom all dressed and ready to go to the gardening club meeting.

"I'm so sorry to have to go out tonight. I just feel awful, especially since this is the first night you have been home since you returned," she said as she stood in front of the mirror and put a coat of lipstick on.

"Seriously, Mom, don't worry, I'll be fine."

"You could always come with me. It would be nice to finally spend an evening with my daughter. We could go for coffee and cake afterward."

"Mom, I have snacks and drinks here, not to mention there are some really good movies on TV tonight."

"I know, it’s just, I've missed you so," she said, turning to look at me.

"Seriously, it’s okay. Go learn about your gardenias."

Mom turned and looked at me with an annoyed look on her face. "It's roses. Tonight’s seminar is on roses. You'd probably be bored to death anyways."

I let out a giggle. She had only been talking about this meeting all week. "I know it’s about roses, Mom. I was just messing with you."

I got up off the couch and walked over to the door. "Have a good night, okay. You'll be back, what, at ten?"

"Probably closer to eleven. Susan and I always go for coffee afterward. Although, maybe I will just tell her we can do that another night."

"No, it's fine, really. I'll be here watchingEat, Pray, Loveand eating popcorn. I might even turn in early. I am tired."

"Okay. Enjoy your movie," Mom said, leaning in and kissing me on the cheek.

"I will." I smiled, guiding her to the door.

I watched through the window as Mom climbed into her car and reversed out of the driveway and drove off down the road. I shut and locked the front door and went back to my corner of the sofa, pulling the blanket up over my legs. The credits had just started when my phone vibrated. I shoved a handful of popcorn in my mouth and looked down at the screen, a small smile appearing on my lips as Jackson's name flashed.

"Hey," I answered.

"What are you doing?"

"I just settled on the couch. Gonna watchEat Pray Love."

"I have a better option. How would you like to go to the movies with me."

Tags: S.L. Sterling Erotic