Page 3 of Constraint

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"Am I keeping you from someone?" I questioned, annoyed.

Jim glanced up at me and shook his head and put his phone away just in time for our food to arrive. We both ate in unusual and uncomfortable silence as everyone around us enjoyed the company of their significant other.

We were halfway through the meal when Jim set his fork down, stretched, and looked over at me. Clearing his throat, he leaned forward and rested his forearms on the table.

"I have something I want to talk to you about."

I smiled. "Okay."

"You know, Bailey, we've been dating for what, three years now."

I smiled and nodded before placing my fork down on the side of my plate.

"I've had a really great time with you. The places we've travelled and seen together have been nothing short of amazing."

"Yes, they have." I smiled, thinking back through the adventures we'd had. The last one took us to Antigua for our second anniversary. I could feel the anticipation building as I sat there thinking back to the nights in Antigua and the nights that we made love on the beach under the moonlight, wondering if tonight we'd be sharing the same feelings, of course, without the beach.

"I really care about you."

"I care about you too," I said with a serious tone, as I rested my hand in the middle of the table.

Jim grabbed my hand, and I could barely contain the butterflies in my stomach as he rubbed his thumb across the back of my hand. "Bailey, it's really been wonderful."

"Yes, it has," I said, meeting his eyes.

His eyes dropped from mine and a look I didn't recognize came over his face. "Lately, though, I feel that something is missing between us."

"Missing?" I frowned, swallowing hard.

"Yes. I've given it lots of thought and I've searched within myself but feel the connection I once felt to you is gone. I don't want to lead you on. That wouldn't be fair. I don't feel we are going to work anymore. My feelings toward you and us have changed."

My head flew up. I could just imagine the look of shock on my face. Here I was expecting a proposal and, well, instead, I was getting dumped on Valentine's Day.

"What?" I asked a little louder than I should have, shock filling my voice.

"Bailey, I can't keep this up between us anymore. I just don't feel the same way about us anymore, and I haven't for a long time. I've met someone else."

I felt my stomach turn. I swallowed hard and fought the burning sensation in my eyes from the tears that threatened to fall. I could feel eyes on me from every corner of the room as the patrons of the restaurant watched as my life shattered once again. I ripped my hand away from his, picked up my wineglass, and downed the contents as Jim sat and watched me.

"Maybe this was the wrong spot to do this," he muttered under his breath.

"Maybe this was the wrong spot to do this? Maybe? Are you fucking kidding me? It's Valentine's Day. You are supposed to be proposing to me tonight. Not taking me out to dinner to break my heart, you asshole."

Jim sat back and ran his hand over his face. "Proposing? Bailey, what are you talking about? What would have given you that idea?"

"Justine." I shrugged.

Jim looked down at the table and then guiltily up at me.

"She saw you shopping downtown, said you were picking out rings? Joke must have been on me. Did you ask me all those questions about rings and vacation spots to buy a ring and propose to this other person?"

"No, no, no. God, Bailey, I was there helping out my brother. She must have seen me when he stepped away to take a call. He asked me to get your insight. He was going to ask Sarah to marry him tonight."

"God, Jim, I thought things between us were more serious than this."

"Bailey, I'm so sorry. I don't know what else to say."

I could feel the burning behind my eyes and knew that tears weren't very far, and before they started pouring, I knew I needed to get out of this restaurant. "Good night, that's what I'm going to say," I said, standing and grabbing my clutch purse from the table.

Tags: S.L. Sterling Erotic