Page 27 of Constraint

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"I sure hope you don't do this tomorrow when I ask you to pass the rings," Ryan said, laughing.

Laughter erupted and I glanced across the table at Bailey, a soft smile on her lips. She met my eyes for just a second before Cara stood and held her glass for a toast, then she broke out into a few announcements about the remainder of the evening and tomorrow.

Fifteen minutes later, everyone began to clear the room, some going back to their rooms, others heading down to either the lounge or spa.

"Are you coming, Bailey?" Cara questioned.

"Maybe in a little bit," Bailey said, smiling in her direction.

"All right, I will hold you a spot in case you want to join, okay."

I watched as Bailey nodded, then reached down into her purse and pulled out a card. I frowned. She seemed happy, but I knew deep down inside something was on her mind. I waited until the room had cleared and stretched. Bailey glanced up from whatever it was she was writing and softly smiled. "Aren't you going with the guys?" she asked.

"I told them I'd meet up with them in a bit. I need to let this food digest before I get into the drinks."

"I see."

"What about you? What are you going to do now?" I asked, walking around to her side of the table and leaning down beside her, a waft of her vanilla-scented shampoo hitting my nose.

She glanced at me and smiled. "A few of the girls are going to go and have a spa treatment. They asked me if I wanted to join, but I think I'm just going to take a walk through the park. I need to get some air."

Our eyes locked, and she looked at me as if she wanted to say something. I waited, but she said nothing, just sat there looking into my eyes.

"You feeling okay?" I questioned. Her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes looked darker than normal.

She nodded and smiled again, only this time the smile didn't quite reach her eyes. There was something bothering her. I knew that look way too well. "I'm okay. Just tired, I guess. I haven't been sleeping very well, and it has been a long day," she mumbled, popping the envelope back into her purse before turning to look at me. "Good night. Hope you have fun with the guys tonight. I will see you tomorrow."

There were so many things I wanted to say to her. Mostly, I wanted to lean in and give her a kiss, but instead, she placed her hand on my cheek, softly smiled, and stood up. She gathered her things, and I watched as she took her time walking out of the room. I heard a familiar laugh and looked around. Ryan stood off in the corner speaking with one of the hotel employees.

In a matter of minutes, he was by my side. "Sorry, just had to take care of a last-minute dietary restriction. You ready for some drinks or what?" he said, gripping my shoulders. "I sure as hell am."

"In a few. I'm just going to take a breather for a half hour or so, maybe run up to my room. Meet you there?"

"Sure, but you better be ready to drink your face off for my last night of being single."

"You know me. I'm always up for drinking my face off." I laughed.

"Awesome! Okay, see you soon," Ryan called as he made his way toward the bar.

I watched until Ryan disappeared out of sight. I had no intention of going back to my room. Instead, I took off out the front door of the hotel and wandered across the street into the park. I'd spent the entire evening sitting across from Bailey, wondering where we might have been if we had chosen a different path as opposed to allowing our relationship to fall apart all those years ago. We'd have been married by now. We might have even had a couple of kids. Instead, I was sitting across from her at our best friends’ wedding as if we were strangers.

I walked through the park, finally taking a seat on a bench, and waited. A half hour had passed when I finally caught a glimpse of her walking toward me. She walked slowly, her head down as if she were deep in thought. She was coming up toward me and glanced up in time to meet my eyes.

"What are you doing out here?" she questioned as she approached. "I figured you'd be knee deep in the scotch about now." She giggled, glancing at her watch.

God, that giggle. The very same one that I fell in love with so long ago had returned for the first time since she had. It was so good to hear it again. I shook my head. "I just needed to let all that food settle. I told Ryan I'd be along after. Why don't you take a seat?" I said, patting the bench beside me.

She walked over and sat down beside me, tucking her purse between us. She leaned back and looked up into the trees, then closed her eyes and took a deep breath. I couldn't help but study her face. How I wished she would allow me to get close to her again.

We both sat there in silence, each looking off in the distance, unsure of what to say to one another.

"Are you okay?" she questioned, concern lining her voice. It was only a second before I felt her hand on the back of my head as she ran her fingers through my hair. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to enjoy the feeling of her touch for the first time in years.

"I am. Just a lot of memories surfacing," I whispered. "What about you? Enjoy tonight?"

"Yeah, it was okay, I guess." Her eyes met mine, and I was sure I caught a glimpse of regret in them.

I sat back on the bench and stretched my arm across the back of it. I was surprised when she moved closer, leaned into me, and rested her head on my shoulder. At first, I didn't know what to do, but then I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her closer to me.

Tags: S.L. Sterling Erotic