Page 21 of Constraint

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I cracked open another can of soda and drank down the cold liquid and grabbed a slice of pizza from the box, just as Asher walked into the kitchen.

"You guys need to get in there. I'm getting my ass handed to me in this game," he said, grabbing another slice of pizza from the box just as the phone rang.

"Come on, let’s go see if I can't beat the lap you’re on just like I used to do when you were just a pain in the ass kid," I said, grabbing Asher by the back of the neck.

"Hey, Jackson," Ryan called just as I stepped into the living room. I turned back and walked over to where my friend stood holding the phone tightly in his hand. "Can you head down to Hooligans? Cara says that she needs some help."

"What’s going on?"

"She won't say. She just said she needs your help."

I glanced to Asher and shrugged then dug my hand into my pocket and pulled my keys out. "Tell her I'm on my way," I said, shoving the remainder of my pizza into my mouth.

Just as the door slammed behind me, both Ryan and Asher yelled, "Go get her." Laughter erupted from inside as I rolled my eyes and gave them both the finger as I climbed into my truck.

It took about twenty minutes before I found myself walking into Hooligans. The place was packed, and it took me a minute to spot Cara and one of the other girls over by the pool tables. I waved and made my way through the crowd to them.

"Hey, Jackson," Cara greeted me, a worried look on her face.

"Where is everyone?" I asked.

"Most of the girls left around eleven. We were going to join them and head to Sierra's place for a movie, but Bailey won't come with us. I wasn't leaving her here alone," she said, nodding in the direction of the bar. I turned around and saw Bailey sitting on a barstool, milking a beverage, while Ben, the only bartender I couldn't stand in this entire establishment, stood there in front of her, leaning down on the bar, running his finger down her cheek as she flirted back.

"How long has this been going on?" I asked, keeping my eyes glued to Ben.

"Well, it’s been a while. He's been hitting on her all night. The more she drank, the more attention he showed her. Apparently, he's taking a real liking to her and has been handsy even during her shifts here. She was complaining to me the other day about him. Regardless, he had been buzzing around us all night when he finally convinced her to go up to the bar. That is when he started pouring the shots. Once she started drinking those, the less she interacted with us, and the less she wanted to leave. I don't trust this guy, Jackson, and we didn't want to leave her alone, but Sierra's waiting for us to arrive at her place."

"Look, you go. I'll make sure she gets home okay."

"You sure? I mean, I will stay if you want," Cara said.

I glanced to Cara and gave her a knowing look. "Please, I think I know how to handle her."

Cara smiled, leaned in, and kissed my cheek. "You always were a good guy, Jackson. Look after my girl." She winked then grabbed her purse and headed to the door.

I waited until the girls were gone, then I turned and watched as Ben set another drink, along with a shot, down on the bar in front of Bailey. I frowned. From the looks of it, she really didn't need anything else to drink as she swayed on the stool. As soon as Ben turned and walked away to serve another customer, I walked over and leaned against the bar beside Bailey, placing my arm on the back of her chair.


She looked up at me, squinting until I came into focus. "What—where—what are you doing here?"

"I think it’s time we get home," I said, leaning into her.

She turned and looked up at me, a low chuckle escaping her lips. "No thanks, I'm good," she said, raising the shot in the air and downing it."

"Aren't you tired? I think it’s time for you to get home and get into bed. Come on, let's go," I said, gripping her arm, which she ripped away from my grasp, losing her balance and almost falling from the chair. I grabbed hold of her before she fell over and held her until she got her bearings.

"Why are you always so good to me?" she grumbled and rested her head on my chest, closing her eyes for a split second.

"What can I get for you?" Ben asked, eyeing me as Bailey pulled away the second she heard his voice. He looked over at her and signaled for her to drink up.

"I'll have a water."

He quickly got me a glass of cold water, which I set down in front of Bailey, removing the other untouched drink from her reach.

"Hey, give me that."

"No. Drink this instead. It's better for you."

Tags: S.L. Sterling Erotic