Page 19 of Constraint

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I gave a tiny laugh as he shook his head in disbelief. I couldn't help but still feel a touch of jealousy knowing that there must have been something between them.

"So, Bailey, everything go okay?" Zoe questioned as she hung up the phone.

I nodded. "Yes, it went fine."

"I'm glad. We will get that dress ready for you and have one final fitting," she said, searching through her pile of invoices. "That will be one hundred and fifty for the alterations. So tell me, are you married, Bailey?" Zoe questioned as she made a few notes on my invoice.

I looked at Jackson, who stood there with a small smile on his face as I squirmed uncomfortably at Zoe's question.

"No, I'm not married," I said, handing over my credit card. "Why?"

"Oh, no reason. I get most of my business through referrals. Don't worry, I'm sure the right one will come along soon."

It was all I could do to keep my mouth shut as I looked over my shoulder at Jackson, who stood there with a smirk on his face. I glanced back to Zoe, who gave me a curt smile as she handed me my credit card, which I shoved into my purse. I didn't wait another minute. I bolted out the door of the store and ran to the car.

"Cara,what on earth were you thinking sending me there for a dress fitting today? You could have warned me that Jackson would be there today," I bit out as I placed a glass of water down on the bar with purpose in front of her.

Cara laughed. "I'm sorry. I guess I didn't think that through very well. Did it go okay though?"

"Didn't think it through? Are you kidding me? You didn't think it through at all. Instead, I got to watch that Zoe fall all over Jackson. You're going to look stunning in this tux, it will most definitely bring out the color of your eyes," I mimicked, grabbing Dan and lacing my arm through his. "Wish I could be your date to the wedding," I said as I flipped my hair off my shoulder.

Cara and Dan burst out into a fit of laughter at my theatrics. "Please, that woman is pathetic. She is all over every man who walks in there."

"It's true," Dan answered. "Last fall, my buddy got married. I swear that woman would have slept with all of us if given the chance. I have to run to the bank. Can you handle it in here?" Dan questioned.

I looked around the empty bar and nodded. "I think I've got it under control."

Dan nodded. "Be back shortly," he said as he walked out the front door.

I turned back to Cara.

"So aside from mauling your man, what else did she do?" Cara asked, trying not to laugh.

"She was downright cruel to me. She practically insulted me right in front of Jackson by asking me if I were married."

"She was just being friendly, or maybe hoping for more business. She is new in town, and it’s tough being a business owner these days. Plus, I know she gets most of her business through referral. That’s how I found out about her." Cara shrugged.

"Yeah, whatever you say. Anyways, next time I go with you guys or I will make my own appointment, opposite of Jackson."

"You know, I thought you said you were over him. The way you’re acting is proving just the opposite."

"I am over him. It was just humiliating."

"I don't see how? I don't even see why you should really care what he thinks."

"There's my girl," Ryan said as he walked in the front door followed by Jackson and Asher, each of them nodding in our direction. Ryan came over and wrapped his arms around Cara, while the other two went to a table and took a seat.

"Hey, Bailey. Can I get three menus please?" Ryan asked.

"Sure." I gathered the three menus and smiled as I handed them to him and watched as he headed back to the table where the others sat.

I began to empty the rest of the clean dishes and set them up in their spots. "Everything else went okay there today, though, right?" Cara asked, leaning forward. "He didn't see the dress did he?" she whispered.

"No, he didn't see them. Honestly, other than all of that, everything went fine. I promise you, the dresses will be perfect, as will be the seating arrangements and the ceremony, and I'll do my best to put the past behind, okay. No need to turn into a bridezilla."

"I'm not. I just wanted to make sure. You have no idea how much stress I am under," she whispered.

"Hey, Bailey. Good to see you," Asher said, interrupting our discussion.

Tags: S.L. Sterling Erotic