Page 35 of Bad Company

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“I emailed my assistant, she is to go with me next time. I am sure Logan is going to be pissed.”

“Serves him right, Leah, don’t worry about it.” It didn’t matter the amount of permission she bestowed upon me, I still felt like shit and I knew better. I was supposed to be professional.

Suddenly my phone started to ring, and I glanced at the screen.

“Who is that?” Jenna asked reaching for my cell phone, but I pulled it away from her reach.

“It’s Logan. He has been calling me for the past few hours. What should I do?”

“Best to let it go to voice mail, don’t you think?”

I looked at the screen, my heart telling me to answer, but I knew Jenna was right. I sat the phone down beside me and averted my eyes from her, trying to hide how I truly felt.

“I’m not going to let you drown your sorrows this way. Come on, let’s put all this sugar away and head to the spa. We can soak in the plunge pools and get a massage by a hot young man.” She ripped the container of ice cream from my hands and picked up the tray covered in nothing but refined sugar. I stood following her with our coffee cups.

“I don’t have a bathing suit.”

“Duh, you can borrow one of mine. Let’s go.”

An hour later, we were already soaking in one of the hot tubs while waiting for our massages. The spa was empty, and we had all the pools to ourselves. “So, tell me, is he any good?” she questioned.

“Who?” Even though I already knew who she meant, I thought I had better clarify.

“Logan, who do you think?”

I blushed at her question. “Probably the best I ever had.”

“Hmmm who would have thought. Do you love him? Like really love him.”

I hesitated. I did love him, I just wasn’t sure I wanted to share that information.

“You don’t need to say anything. I can tell. Do you remember all those years ago when you broke up with Aaron?”

I smiled thinking back to how funny the whole situation was now. “Of course.”

“You did know he really only wanted to date Kara Kingsley, right. That he made up the story of there being a rumor to get out of the relationship with you.”

“How do you know that?”

“You didn’t show up the next day for school, so I asked Logan where you were, he said you were home sick with food poisoning. When I was on my way out of fourth period, I saw a whole bunch of people surrounding what appeared to be a fight. I ran over to see what was going on, you know how I loved a good scrap. I was shocked to find Logan and Aaron going at it. Logan had him pinned to the ground. He kept shouting at him to tell him the truth, he wouldn’t let him get up until Aaron confessed. He just kept punching and kicking him.”

My eyes widened. “He got himself suspended from school for that fight, I remember that.”

“Yep, Mister Turner, the science teacher, broke up the fight. Logan had broken Aaron’s nose and arm.”

“Yep, Aaron was pissed.”

“They marched Logan and Aaron to the principal and called your parents. They suspended Logan on the spot for two weeks.”

“He never told anyone what that fight was over either. He just said it was nothing they needed to concern themselves with. I guess he wouldn’t even tell the principal. He got into so much trouble when that happened, and it was all because of me?”

“Yep, he told me that Aaron finally confessed to him in the principal’s office that he lied to you. There never was a rumor.”

“Why are you only telling me this now?” I asked.

“Because, even though I see what he is doing to you by playing these games, I think you also need to know that he really does care for you on some sort of level that maybe you are fighting not to see.”

“Ladies, your masseurs are ready for you now.” I looked up to see a spa attendant standing there.

Tags: S.L. Sterling Erotic