Page 51 of It Was Always You

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"Just come over here and sit downplease."

I walked over to the table and took a seat. He sat down beside me and took hold of myhand.

"I got a call today from yourlawyer."

A funny feeling started to grow in the pit of my stomach. "Has he been released?" I felt a rush of heat run up my body. "Please don't tell me he has been released. I don't think I can handlethat."

"No, he hasn't beenreleased."

I felt the breath I hadn't even known I have been holding leave mybody.

"They found him this morning in his cell.Dead."

I stared at Parker, not sure what to say. I wasn't even sure how to feel about this. I was angry that he would not be punished for what he had done to me. But a huge part of me was glad I would never have to see himagain.

"What happened? “I choked out the words, barely recognizing my ownvoice.

"Well, it’s still under investigation, but the lawyer said it looks like it may have been either a massive heart attack or astroke."

I sat there for a minute, taking in what he had said. At that moment, a sense of peace came over me as I looked at Parker, trying to digest this new information. It was over. I would never have to worry about seeing him ever again, whether it be in a court room in a few months or on the street in some city somewhere years from now. I didn't need to worry if I didn't lock a door at night. He simply wasn't coming back. That knowledge was probably the best present I could have askedfor.

"Are you okay,Tatum?"

As he asked me that, a flood of emotion ran through my body, and all the tension and stress I had been carrying the last few months released itself. "I'mgood."

I stood from my chair and straddled his lap. As he wrapped his strong arms around me, I nuzzled my face into his neck. "I love you. Thankyou."

"Thank you forwhat?"

"For coming back into my life when you did, and for showing me my way home to you." My lips met his, and I kissed himdeeply.

19 monthslater

It was Christmas Eve, andthe sparkling tree in the corner of the darkened living room gave off the smell of fresh pine. I had always loved the smell of a fresh tree. I had put Emma down for the night and had just finished wrapping the last of my gifts for Parker. I had my chamomile tea, and I curled up under the blanket on the couch and threw on some soft Christmas music. I looked out the window at the falling snow; it was sobeautiful.

Hearing a key in the door, I smiled to myself. I had missed him something terrible today. I listened as I heard him throw his keys on the counter and drop his duffel bag on the floor then the familiar sound of his footsteps as he walked into theroom.

"There’s mygirl!"

The sound of his voice sent a chill through mybody.

He came up behind me and kissed my neck, his breath ticking as he asked, "How was yourday?"

I smiled as he wrapped his arms around me from behind. "It was good. Jen and I went out to shop. You should have seen Emma; she was so mesmerized by all the lights." I smiled, thinking of her little smile. "What about yourday?"

"You don't even want to know. Christmas always brings out the best in people. Is Emma asleep?" I nodded. "I'm going to peek in on her then getshowered."

He met my lips for another kiss. "Did you wanttea?"

"Please, I won't belong."

I gave a soft smile. "Go see your daughter." I could always tell when he had had a particularly rough day because he always went in to see her after his shift. He never woke her; he would just stare down at her little sleepingbody.

I shut off the TV and unplugged the tree and headed into the kitchen to make our tea. Carrying both mugs into the bedroom, I turned the bedside lights on and pulled the curtains. It was cold; the snow was falling harder than before, and it was piling up fast. I flipped on the gas fireplace and crawled into bed. It had been a long day, and I wastired.

I was lying in bed with my eyes closed when I heard Parker come in. "Emma still asleep?" I asked, watching Parker walk to his side of the bed in nothing but a small, whitetowel.

"Yep, out like a light. Sorry I took so long. I could stare at her forever, she is just so perfect," he said, crawling toward me looking me in the eyes. "Just like you." His expression grew serious as he wrapped his arms around me, leaned down, and kissed me under my ear and down myneck.

Tags: S.L. Sterling Romance