Page 49 of It Was Always You

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"What about myplace?"

"We can worry about that later. What do yousay?"

It took me a few minutes, but then I heard Jen’s words in my head. You'll have to stop burying yourself in denial. You just need the guts to admit it toyourself.

I nodded my head. "Yes."

He pushed me back against the pillow and kissed me deeply, the heat from his body soothing me. At that moment, a feeling of comfort came over me, as if my soul knew I washome.

Parker stayed for a while, and we watched a couple of shows together. He was just starting to nod off when I shookhim.

"What isit?"

"Listen, you’re exhausted. Why don't you go spend the night with Jen and Elliott? We have a long daytomorrow."

"No, no, I am fine," he said, standing up tostretch.

"Seriously, babe, go. Get a good night’srest."

He looked from me to the bench he had been sleeping on and back tome.

"It’s okay. I’mgood."

I forced Parker to leave shortly after making sure I had everything I needed for the night. Parker hadn't left my side since I was admitted. He had slept in the chair in Emergency for the first night, and the last two nights on that horrible, hard bench in my room. He was exhausted and needed a good night’s sleep before we headed home tomorrow. I couldn't wait to get out of here and on with mylife.

We had been home forabout a week now. It had been strange at first living here, but I was settling in. Parker had brought over a bunch of my clothing from my place, and I had just finished putting it away. We would go over tomorrow to get a few of my other things. I was glad he had asked me to move in with him. The other place held one nasty memory I couldn't seem to forget when I was there alone. I didn't tell him that, but I think deep down he knew. We had decided to rent out my place, and we wanted to get it cleaned out and rented as soon aspossible.

It was a little after ten when I sat down with a cup of tea to read the newspaper. I was waiting for Parker to get home from work when my phonerang.

"How are you feeling?" Elliott’s voice came over thephone.

"Doing okay." I smiled. "What aboutyou?"

"Good. Jen and I should be leaving tomorrow. Looks like everything is all ready. We will call you guys once wearrive."

"Great! I can't wait to see youboth."

"I can't wait to see youeither."

"Elliott, I wanted to say I am sorry, and I am grateful for you." I felt he had to hear it; he had toknow.

I heard the front door open and glanced around the corner to see Parker taking off his shoes. He looked so hot in hisuniform.

"Listen, Parker just got home. See youtomorrow?"

"You got it. Oh, and the same goes for me." I heard him swallow hard then heard Jen yell bye in the background before I hungup.

Smiling to myself, I got up off the couch and walked into the kitchen. Parker lookedbeat.

"Hey, beautiful!" Wrapping me in his arms, he kissed me gently. "How was yourday?"

"It was good.Yours?"

"Don't ask!" he said, kissing me again. "Who were you talkingto?"

"Elliott. They will be back in town tomorrow. They called to let us know," I said, leaning intohim.

"How was your doctor’s appointment today? I wanted to go with you, but I couldn't even get a minute to callyou."

Tags: S.L. Sterling Romance