Page 47 of It Was Always You

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Elliott stood up and took a step forward, grabbing Jen’s hand. "Doctor, please, these people are family to me and to Tatum. Whatever you have to say, you can say it to all ofus."

He nodded at Elliott. "Okay. I have her resting. We have given her what we can for pain, taking her condition into consideration. I was concerned about the trauma to her jaw, so we took some x-rays. Nothing is broken. I'm confident that she is going to befine."

I stared at him. "What do you mean when you say considering hercondition?"

"Her blood work shows that she is pregnant. From the results, it looks like she is about one or two months along. We will do an ultrasound in a couple of days to confirm how far along she is and to make sure everything isokay."

I couldn't believe my ears. "She'swhat?"

Elliott patted me on the shoulder. "It's okay, Parker. I think you’re in shock." He smiled to the doctor andJen.

"Does sheknow?"

"She knew, and she is very worried about the baby, so I want no added stress on her other than what she already has," he said, looking at us for the next round ofquestions.

"When can we see her?" Jen asked, reaching for my hand and giving it asqueeze.

"I would like her to rest as much as she can before we move her up to a room, but I can't see any reason that you can't see her. I want you to go one at a time and not for very long, okay? She needs her rest tonight. Whenever you’re ready, head through these door around the corner to the right. She is in roomeight."

"When do you think she can bereleased?"

"Well, we want to make sure the fetus is okay and that she doesn't have a concussion, so a couple of days. She will need to stay with someone for about two weeks, once she is released. Are there any more questions I can answer for you at thistime?"

We looked to one another and shook our headsno.

"Well, then I shall get back to my rounds. I will see you tomorrow." He nodded to us and went back through the same double doors he had come outof.

I sat down, completely shocked. I was going to be a father. I looked up at Elliott who stood watching me. "I hope you’re not going to kill me, man." He gave me a smile. "I swear to you we were careful, but I assure you I will look after her," I said, holding my handsup.

Elliott chuckled to himself. "No, man. I'm just glad it’s you. There has never been a time that I can remember when I wasn't okay with you being in her life." He patted me on the back and reached out and pulled Jen intohim.

"When you’re ready, why don't you go see her tonight? Jen and I are going to call the police department, see if they need anything elseanswered."

I nodded. It was going to take all the strength in the world I had to restrain myself from walking out those doors after seeing her, because I knew I would want to hunt him down and kill him. I just hoped that I was strong enough to hold myselftogether.

I took a deep breath and exhaled. I watched Elliott and Jen walk over to a dark corner and sit down together, Elliott making the phone call while Jen rested her head on his shoulder. I took another deep breath and stood, walking toward the double doors, toward mygirl.

I opened the door andpeeked around the corner. Two nurses sat at the desk filling out paperwork. They paid no attention to me as I walked into room eight. The room was dark, and Tatum was sound asleep, the sound of her monitors creating a soothing rhythm. I watched the slow rise and fall of her chest from the doorway. She looked so helpless lying in thatbed.

It wasn't until I got closer to her that I noticed the dark bruises on her face and a large gash across her eyebrow and cheek. Both had been stitched closed. There was bruising on her neck and arms, too. A nurse walked in to check her vitals and added something into her IVbag.

"You guys took photographs of all her injuries, correct?" I couldn't help the cop coming out in me, but they would be needed for evidence should this bastard try to getoff.

"Yes, sir. The police were here and took down everything." She continued adjusting wires, and then went back out to thedesk.

I looked down at Tatum, tears threatening to roll down my cheeks at any moment. I could feel the rage growing inside of me, the anger I carried for not being there for her, to protecther.

"I'm so sorry, baby girl. I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you from him. I'm sorry I was so angry with you. Never again," I whispered to her, leaning down and placing a soft kiss on herforehead.

I took her hand in mine and sat down in the chair beside her bed. At my touch, she stirred, and I heard her mumble myname.

"I'm here, baby, right here. I'm not goinganywhere."

She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me. "Parker, what are you doing here? I don't want you to see me like this." A single tear ran over her cheek as she tried to turn away from me, a grimace coming over her face as the pain caughther.

"See you like what? You’re my girl. No different than when I saw you a week ago." I smiled, trying to keep my tears atbay.

"I lookawful."

Tags: S.L. Sterling Romance