Page 45 of It Was Always You

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"I have. There was noanswer."

I felt panic rise inme.

"Jen, are you okay to go over to the place she is staying?" Elliottasked.


"All right, we are still about forty-five minutes away. We'll be there as soon as we can be. Call us back once you getthere."

"Sure thing,Elliott."

Elliott hung up his phone as I sat staring down at mine waiting for a response to the text I’d sent her. A bad feeling hit mygut.

"It'll be okay,Parker."

"Do you think you can drive faster, Elliott?" I asked. Staring down at my phone, I felt the truck speed up. The last time I had rushed to her side was back in college, and I had the same sick feeling in my stomach now as I didthen.

"I can't make the game tonight, Parker. I have to head back to my dorm and study. Plus, Mom and Dad are going to be calling me before we head out to the party," Tatum said as she loaded her books into herbag.

"Okay, sweets. I will text you as soon as the game is over. Then I will come and get you," I said, placing a kiss on her lips. I brushed a strand of hair from her face as I looked deep into her eyes and leaned in for anotherkiss.

I sent a text to Tatum as soon as I hit the changing room. I decided to shower there instead of going back to my dorm room. I had to pick her up in an hour anyway. After my shower, I checked my phone. There was nothing yet, so I took my equipment and headed to mycar.

After loading everything into my trunk, I sat down behind the wheel and pulled my phone from my pocket. It had been forty-five minutes; this was odd for her. I dialed her number. Again, nothing. A sick feeling came over me. Something was wrong. I started my car and popped it into reverse and headed over to herdorm.

I walked down the hall to her dorm room, people giving me strange looks and whispering to one another. Frowning, I stood outside her door. I went to knock when I heard a deep, strangled sob from the otherside.

"Tatum?" I called, my heart in mythroat.

The door opened, and Tatum stood on the other side facing me, tears running down her beautifulface.

"What is it,baby?"

She ran into my arms, crying into my chest. I held her for a while, until I noticed a bunch of eyes on us. I walked into her room and shut the door behind me, so we could have someprivacy.

"What’s going on,baby?"

"It’s my parents. There was anaccident."

"I can take you home tonight. Does Elliottknow?"

She was freezing as I rubbed her arms, trying to calm her down. She nodded herhead.


The words rang through my head, the emptiness in her eyes scaring me. Grabbing hold of her, I pulled her against me and wrapped her in my arms. As she cried against me, I wished at that moment I could take every ounce of pain she was feeling away fromher.

I picked her up and carried her over to her bed. I placed her down on the mattress, kicked my shoes off, crawled in behind her, and pulled her against me, holding her as tight as I could. I wanted to let her know I would never let hergo.

A phone rang, bringing me out of my memory. I glanced down to the screen on my phone and saw there was still noresponse.

"Hey, Jen," Elliottanswered.

"Elliott, I'm at the Marriott. I walked in and almost ran into Dean. He was leaving the elevator as I came in. He had blood splattered across his white T-shirt, Elliott. I ducked out of sight, praying he didn't see me. He went out front and climbed into a black Audi that was waiting at the side of theroad."

We looked at one another when we both realized what Jen had said. That was the same color and make of car that had been followingTatum.

“Is Tatumokay?”

Tags: S.L. Sterling Romance