Page 42 of It Was Always You

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"He was released Thursday. Paperwork states he's to return to his city of residence until his pending courtdate."

"Fuck, she was supposed to be notified right away. It’s Tuesday. He’s out for five days without a word. Has anyone spoken with Tatum about this?" I needed to know that she wassafe.

"All it says is that a message was left for her regarding thismatter."

My heart was in my throat. "All right, thanks. I'm coming into work. I'll stop by in a bit. Thanks,Randy."

Hanging up, I dialed her number. I needed to talk to her before I started work. Her phone rang and rang before going to voicemail. I was worried that if the courts hadn't called her cell phone then the message was sitting on her home machine, which meant she didn'tknow.

I dialed her number again and held my breath, waiting for her to pick up. Again, it just rang and went to voice mail. I smashed my fist on the steering wheel. I wanted to hear her voice before I went to work, but it looked as if that wasn't going to happen. I sat there for a couple of seconds trying to figure out how to get a hold of her. I didn't know the number to her office, so I did the next best thing and calledElliott.

"Bancroft," I heard Elliott's voice come over thephone.

"Hey, bro. Have you heard from your sisterlately?"


"I just spoke to Randy from the courts. That fucker got released Thursday. I'm wondering if they called her cell or if they just left a message on her home phone. I've been trying to call her, but there is noanswer.”

"No. She hasn't spoken to me since the night before she left. I admit I was pretty hard on her. But I just got off the phone with Jen, and she said she spent Friday night withher."

"Do you think you can call her back and have her get a hold of Tatum? Or try and call yourself? I want to make sure she knows that he is out. I'll call and leave a message, but please try and call. I want to make sure she is safe. Plus, I have to finish this warrant tonight or else our case is going toshit."

"Yeah, Ican."

"Hey, how about after my shift we head up there in the morning? I should be done by six. I'll head home and sleep for a couple hours, and then I'll swing by and pick you up. Say around noon? I'm really missing mygirl."

"I think that is a great idea. I'll see youthen."

"You got it. I gotta run." Hanging up, I dialed her cell number again. I didn't want to scare her, but at the same time I wanted her to be aware he had beenreleased.

"You've reached Tatum. Leave me amessage."

Tapping my hand on the steering wheel, I heard the beep. "Tatum, baby, it’s me. I got your message. I want to talk to you, too, sweetie. I miss you, and I'm sorry for the way I handled things. We can talk tomorrow. I've talked to Elliott; we will be on our way there in themorning.

“I'm not sure if anyone has contacted you or not, but you need to know that Dean has been released. He made bail. He was released on Thursday and he was supposed to be making his way back to the city, Tatum. I hope you get this message soon. Please be safe. I loveyou."

Hanging up, I took a breath and placed my head against the steering wheel. I hoped to hell this guy wasn't as unhinged as he seemed. If something happened to her, I would never forgivemyself.

It was early afternoon bythe time the car pulled up outside the Marriott. "You wait, parked around the corner. No matter how long I am, you don't leave, you understandme?"

Getting out of the car, I walked into the hotel and headed to the front desk. "Can I help you, sir?" the clerk behind the counterasked.

"Yes, you can. A friend of mine is staying at this hotel, and I was wondering if you could please tell me what room she is staying in?" I flashed asmile.

“I’m sorry, sir. Unfortunately, policy states that we are unable to give out that kind ofinformation.”


“No, sir.” I watched as the woman left the desk and headed into an adjoining office. I went and took a seat in the lobby. I needed theinformation.

I had been waiting for about an hour when I took notice of a pretty young girl standing behind the counter. She should be easy to con into giving me the information I required. I waited behind the gentleman she was dealing with. I could tell she was getting flustered with him. When he finally walked away in a huff, she greeted me. “Sir, may I helpyou?”

“Having a roughday?”

“You could saythat.”

“I’m sorry to hear. I can’t believe that guy would yell at a pretty little thing like you.” She blushed and gave a smallsmile.

Tags: S.L. Sterling Romance