Page 35 of It Was Always You

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She laid her legs over my thighs, and I sat back on my knees, keeping myself deeply planted in her. With my thumb, I started rubbing her swollen clit. Deeply pumping into her, I could feel myself about to let go as she tightened again around my cock. I gave two final, hard pumps and filled her. Collapsing on her, I kissed her softly. Once I caught my breath, I pulled out. I got up and went to the washroom and cleaned myself up then brought a wet cloth to her and cleaned heroff.

Lying beside her, I pulled her into my arms. We lay in total silence for a while, listening to the sounds of our breathing and ourheartbeats.


"Yes," shewhispered.

"I wanted to tell you that..." I swallowed hard, that knot in my stomach returning, and suddenly I wentquiet.

"Parker?" I loved the sound of my name come from her lips. "What isit?"

"I love you." The knot disappeared almost instantly. I had finally said it, and I prayed that she said it back to me, but she was almost too quiet. I waited a few seconds, the delay almost killing me. Looking over at her, I could see her eyes glistening. "I love you," Irepeated.

I heard her sniffle. "I love youtoo."

Parker pulled into the drivewayand shut his truck off. It had been a great weekend away with him, but today he had to work. He hopped out of the truck and pulled my duffel bag from the back and walked me to the door. Bringing my bag in, he did a quick check of the house to make sure no one was there. I wasn't sure if he was doing it to calm my fears orhis.

"Okay, baby, all is good. If you need me tonight, just send me a message okay?" He leaned against the doorframe and bent down to meet mylips.

Pressing into my mouth ever so gently, he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into him. He trailed kisses to my ear and down my neck, and I could feel his arousal against me. "Parker, you’ve got to go, sweetie. You’re going to belate."

"But you’re worth being late for," he said between kissing and sucking on my bottom lip. He glanced down at his watch, noticing the time. "Okay, you're right. I’ve got to go. I loveyou."

"I love youtoo."

He smiled and placed another kiss on my lips. "I'll see you later tonight, baby. I'll call you when I'm done with myshift."

I watched as he walked to his truck, climbed in, and waved as he drove down the street. I was completely in love with everything about him, and that was scaring me. I smiled to myself as I closed the front door and turned to put the kettle on. I needed some time to relax and sort out myfeelings.

I popped a tea bag in my mug and grabbed a piece of fruit from the fridge then carried my duffel bag into the bedroom and made my way back to the kitchen to make my tea. I decided to unpack later and curled up on the couch in front of theTV.

The ringing phone startled meout of a dead sleep. It was starting to get dark outside, and I wondered how long I had been asleep. Looking at the clock, it was already four-thirty. I had been asleep for the better part of the day. I took a drink of my cold tea and grabbed the receiver. "Hello?"

"Tatum, it’s Brad Keller calling. How have youbeen?"

I was surprised to hear fromhim.

I perked up. "Mr. Keller, I'm doing well. How aboutyourself?"

"I'm well. Listen, Tatum, the reason for my call is I have an opportunity for you, and I'm hoping that you have a few minutes todiscuss."

I smiled into the phone. Nothing would make me happier than to get back to work. After all, it would get my mind off all that had happened withDean.

"Of course, I'd be happy to hear aboutit."

"I was hoping you would say that. The restructure is complete, and we are currently working on assembling a new team. I thought of you right away for the position. I'm in need of a departmenteditor."

I was shocked. I had been working toward that position for the last seven years. "Well, I'm definitely interested. Would I be able to do the position from homehere?"

"Unfortunately, no. I'm afraid you would need to be at the office daily. I know that you have moved, but I would like to see you give this position a great deal of consideration. The position wouldn't start for another month. We are running some major meetings for the next couple ofweeks.

“If you decided you would like to take the position, we would need you to be present for those. We will arrange for you to have a room at one of the hotels, that way, you'd have time to find a place and be able to arrange to move back. If it took you extra time to find a new place, then I'd be willing to extend you a couple extra weeks to getsettled."

The line went quiet. I wasn't sure what to say. Things with Parker were just starting again. It seemed as if, once again, something was stepping in and putting an end to us. "When would you need me there for these meetings?" I asked, swallowinghard.

"Monday morning at eight o’clock. I'm sorry about the short notice, but it took me a while to get a hold of your newnumber."

Monday morning. That was in three days. I would have to leave, at the latest, Sunday evening. How would I explain this to Parker? My stomach started rolling. I wasn't sure I wanted us toend.

Tags: S.L. Sterling Romance