Page 30 of It Was Always You

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"I can't even begin to tell you, but it was nothing short of amazing. After last night, I wished he had been my first. Instead, I gave myself up to a cold, ruthless lover. A man who never took no for an answer." I hadn't been ready to share those feelings with anyone untilnow.

"Well, to be fair to yourself, at the time that happened, you didn’t know what he would become. Go easy onyourself."

Looking up and noticing the guys were still in line, I looked to Jen. "And not like I want to know because he's my brother and all, so please spare me the details, but how was it foryou?”

I watched Jen as she looked over to where they stood. I could tell that she was more in love with Elliott than I had ever seen her. "She smiled to herself and looked over at Elliott again. “I fear I'm in trouble with this one." Shegiggled.

I had never heard Jen say those words about anyone, nor had I ever seen the look on her face that presented itself to me at that moment. "I was afraid this wouldhappen."

"He wants to date—exclusively," she said quietly and smiled atme.

Jen had never been exclusive with anyone. She always did whatever appealed to her. I was sure this was scaring the crap out ofher.


"I told him yes. He won't be able to visit often, but we will see how the next little while goes, and then we can decide. It's not like we don't know one another at all, so that makes it a little easier. Between you and me, I'd even be willing tomove."

"Please take your time and make sure. It's not that I wouldn't love having you down here, but I want you to make sure this is what you want before you drop everything. For once, don't let spontaneity rule your life. You’re not only dealing with your feelings here," I warnedher.

I knew she wouldn't listen to me. It wasn't in her DNA. I loved her like a sister and didn't want to see either of them jump into something with their eyesclosed.

A cup dropped down in front of me, and I felt warm hands on my shoulders. "Your coffee, my dear." Parker pulled the nearest chair up beside me and sat down, wrapping his arm aroundme.

We sat and talked until the first call for Jen’s flight. I could tell she and Elliott wanted some time to be alone, so Parker and I said our good-byes early and headedhome.

Ihad spent the lastfour days at Parker’s. The police had finally called to let me know they had collected all the evidence they needed. I was welcome to return to my home. I wasn't looking forward to going back. I didn't want to say anything to Parker, though. After all, it had taken nearly two hours to convince him to take mehome.

Pulling into the driveway, he shut the truck off. "Are you sure you’re going to be okay alone here tonight while I'm at work? You can always stay at my place, if it makes you feelbetter."

"I know I can, but I will be okay." I had decided that this was something I had to do. I didn't want to get involved in this conversation again. I couldn't stay at Parker’s forever, and besides, I loved my house. It just so happened that something unpleasant had happened here, but I felt I had to face it in order to moveon.

He climbed out of the truck and came around to open the door. Grabbing my hand, he helped medown.

"I’m going to check the place out and make sure everything is safe before I leave." We walked hand in hand up thewalkway.

"What are you going to do while I’m at work?" hequestioned.

"I was going to hit the gym, do some laundry, and maybe watch amovie."

He took the keys from my hand and unlocked the front door, then held it open for me, smacking me lightly on the ass as I walked through in front of him. Grabbing me around the waist he kissed me on the back of theneck.

I followed him as he checked out the house. The last room we came to was my bedroom. He was making sure the slider was locked as I stood staring at the bed. The blankets were still messed from that night. I could feel my heart start to race, and I was getting cold, the room starting tospin.

"You should be good now." He turned to look at me, concern growing on hisface.

I stood staring at the bed, where Dean had attackedme.

"Tatum, did you hearme?"


He frowned atme.

"Yes, I heard you. I should be good." I shook out of my stare and looked toParker.

"Are you sure you want to stay here? You don't have to," he said, coming around from the far side of the bed and wrapping me in his strongarms.

"No, I do. I can't let myself be afraid of him anymore," I said while buried in his chest, his warmth soothingme.

Tags: S.L. Sterling Romance