Page 11 of It Was Always You

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"Yes." He hesitated. "Parker, I have a huge favor toask."

He was crazy if he thought I would pick her up. There was no way I could do that. I wasn't ready to seeher.

"I hate to ask, but would you be able to pick her up for me and bring her to this address? I'll be done with work at four but won't be able to get there fortwo."

He scratched out an address on a napkin and passed it over tome.

"I don't want her to have to take a cab from theairport."

I frowned as I looked down at the address he had written. It was about a block from my place. What the hell! It had taken me the last eight years to even think about dating seriously again. The past few years had been nothing but one-night stands, and I was growing tired of it now. I wanted more—I needed more—and now the girl I had never gotten over would be living less than a five-minute drive from my place. I took in a deep breath. I must have lost mymind.


"Her flight lands at two. Gate B4," Elliottinformed.

I placed the napkin in my pocket and ordered us some food. "I'll be back. Gonna hit thebathroom."

Standing outside the washroom, I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket. Opening my contacts, I pulled Tatum's information up on my screen. I wanted to text her. Hell, I had wanted to text her every time I got drunk. Every time I was lonely and horny, and pretty much every day for the last eight fucking years. My finger hovered over the text icon for what seemed like hours, but I decided against it. I slid my phone back into my pocket and went back out to drown my sorrows in morebeer.

Jen pulled up outside theairport and handed the valet her keys. After Dean left me in my hotel room, I checked out and went to stay with her. As I went to get out of the car, my phone chimed as Dean’s name flashed across thescreen.

"God, he is messaging me again! When is he going to get it through his head we are over?" I said as Jen pulled my suitcase out of thetrunk.

"I think you need to change your number. Have you mentioned anything to Elliott about whathappened?"

"Are you crazy? Elliott would lose his mind if he knew what Dean has done. I’ll change my number once the move iscomplete."

"Elliott needs to know about this. The bastard hit you and then attacked you. You should be pressing charges on hisass."

"I know, but I swear, aside from the day I caught him with that woman, he has never laid a hand on me." That wasn't exactly the truth, but I didn't want her to know anydifferent.

"Take a look at yourself. You’re covered in bruises.” She glanced at my arms. “Elliott needs to know, Tatum, and you know if he finds out by seeing these marks on you, he will be pissed. Who is to say Dean won't find you and come after you, have you thought about that? I'm worried about you, Tatum. You’re my best friend." She placed her hand on my arm, the look in her eyes saying itall.

"Everything will be fine." I didn't want to let on that I was also afraid of him finding me, so I did my best to ignore her comment. “Besides, Dean doesn't even know where I’mgoing.”

"You told me he said he has an idea. That scares me! He could be following us right now." Jen looked around the parkinglot.

I looked at her and sighed. "I promise when I get settled, the first thing I will do is get myself a new number and maybe an alarmsystem."

Jen sighed, her eyes running to the bruises on my arms. "You’re also going to talk to yourbrother!"

"I'll be fine! Stopworrying!"

"I'm not convinced, Tatum. You were so scared when you arrived last night, and your phone hasn't stopped going off since. I hope you’re telling me the truth, that a new number will be the first thing on your agenda when you getthere."

"I promise. Now let’s go so I can checkin.

"All right, I will take you as far as they will allow, and then you will only be waiting for an hour before boarding. At least I know that you will be safehere."

After I checked in for my flight, we stopped at a little cafe for a coffee. Jen ran over to the nearest washroom while I grabbed us a table. I took a quick minute while she was gone to check my messages. Fifteen messages from Dean, this morning alone, and they were still coming in. I felt the color drain from my face when I reached the most recent text. It sent chills throughme.


I sat staring at my phone. I was so scared that I didn't even hear Jen come back to thetable.

"Tatum, you don't look very good. What isit?"

I handed my phone to Jen who read over thescreen.

Tags: S.L. Sterling Romance