Page 67 of Wicked Lessons

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A more suspicious part of me wonders if he’s ignoring the girls because one of them services him in the afternoon. But I shake off that thought. Everyone knows older guys can’t get it up more than once a day.

Except this one.

How could I ever forget the chocolate fondue that came with only one dip?

My spine straightens, and my mind generates an idea. It’s really dumb and will almost certainly lead to consequences, but I’m determine to see if he will ignore me.

Shrugging off my cardigan, I reveal the spaghetti straps of my tank top. He pauses for a beat before continuing his lecture. But then I pull back my shoulders and pretend to stretch, letting the thin fabric pull over my breasts.

His brows furrow, and he turns his attention to where Veer sits in the front seat with the guy who wrestled him into the wall.

I reach into my bag, extract a banana, and rub it along my jaw. Charlotte is too busy writing emails to notice what I’m doing, which only gives me the confidence to continue.

Professor Segul’s gaze sweeps back to where I’m sitting, but he avoids my eyes. He asks someone a question and places his hands behind his back to listen to their stuttered reply before responding with the correct answer.

He’s so cocky. I should know, considering I had him in my mouth. I hang onto his every word because he has a way of making the mundane sound sexual, but when he ignores the trio of whispering girls, I decide to turn up my experiment another notch.

I crack the stalk of the banana and pull down its skin, exposing its white fruit.

This time, when his eyes dart in my direction, they widen.

“You there.” He points directly at me. “Do you intend to eat that banana or fellate it?”

Laughter erupts across the lecture theater as all heads turn toward me. Heat explodes across my cheeks, and my stomach plummets to the fold down seat.

I splutter. “Can’t a girl have a late breakfast in peace?”

“Name?” he snaps.

“Phoenix.” My entire body trembles. What the hell is he doing? “Phoenix Stahl.”

He gives me a slow nod, the kind of gesture a person makes when they’re trying to memorize someone’s name. “Well, Miss Stahl, this should be a lesson for you to eat before attending class.”

My jaw drops. It’s on the tip of my tongue to blurt that he gave me a mouthful of spunk but I’m not about to jeopardize my place at university.

“Put that banana away.” He turns to address the trio of girls doing something similar with lollipops. “The same goes for the rest of you who think it’s acceptable to eat during my lectures.”

I clamp my mouth shut, slump into my seat, and scowl.

Thalia and her cousins were doing far worse than me, and he didn’t snap. I press my lips into a tight line and grimace at his double standards.

When I have to pass the stage at the end of the class, a shiver skitters down my spine.

I can’t wait to see what he does tomorrow morning.



At the end of the lecture, I stand behind the podium, pretending I’m engrossed with scrolling through my phone, but I’m watching her scuttle down the lecture theater’s steps, trying to hide her red cheeks.

That had been close.

I’d already been semi-erect at the sight of her braless tits bursting through that sheer fabric. Then when she got out the banana, I knew exactly where that would go.

Sometimes, the only way to resist temptation is to confront it head on.

Phoenix reaches the bottom of the steps, dips her head, and ducks behind a larger male student. I snort. She’s only delaying the inevitable.

Tags: Siggy Shade Erotic