Page 65 of Wicked Lessons

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My stomach clenches with dread. If anyone found out that I was fucking a professor, then I would be expelled. I clear my throat. “Nothing’s wrong.”

She hesitates. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah.” I pull myself to my feet. “Sorry about that.”

My phone buzzes. I walk across the studio, nearly tripping over my book bag, to pick up my handset.

It’s a message from Professor Segul:Tidy your room, or there will be consequences!

My nostrils flare. I glance around the studio, my cheeks flushing at the piles of overdue library books and all the clothes strewn about the floor.

What a nerve. I text back:Next time, give me a chance to clean up and don’t barge in under false pretenses.

Report to my office each morning on time, and there will be no impromptu visits.

Don’t you mean intrusions?I text back, wanting to hurl the phone across my studio.

He responds immediately withSemantics.

What an asshole.

I put my phone aside and sort my clothes into items I need to wash and those that can go back into the wardrobe. No university laundry service for me, but maybe I can stretch to the campus laundromat.

At 9:00 my phone texts again. I pick it up, my heart skipping, but it’s a notification from my online banking app.

You’ve just received £2,000 from IMANT Holdings.

My jaw drops. I log into the app to find the funds haven’t just cleared my overdraft but I have more than enough for books, food, clothes, partying, and plenty left over to save. Warmth fills my chest, followed by a giddy laugh.

Maybe he isn’t such a bastard after all.

On Thursday morning at 8:15, I storm out of Professor Segul’s office and rub my aching jaw. How dare that asshole give me a C+? That blowjob was worth at least a B.

“Phoenix,” says a familiar male voice.

I turn around to find Veer jogging toward me. His guitar case is notably absent, and he wears a tan leather jacket with a collar that stretches toward the shoulders. The pear-green shirt he wears beneath it has ruffles down the front completing the retro rockstar aesthetic.

Any resentment I had from what happened between us in our first year vanishes. Professor Segul outshines a drunken one-night stand.

“Hey.” I offer him a weak smile.

“Has that asshole been giving you a hard time?” He walks at my side and stuffs his hands in his pockets.

“Kind of,” I mutter. “You?”

“I expect someone told him who he was dealing with.” He raises a broad shoulder. “He knows not to mess with me now.”

“Right.” I nod, remembering that Veer is protected by one of the most powerful men in Great Britain. Even the likes of Dad hated to say Odin’s name out loud.

We round the corner and descend the stairs in silence. I run my tongue over my teeth, chasing away the last remnants of Professor Segul.

My pussy is so slick from the feel of his cock in my mouth, and my core aches with the need to be filled. He wouldn’t let me touch myself, even while he fucked my face. He’s surprisingly stingy for a man capable of making me black out from too many orgasms.

Veer’s nervous chuckle invades my thoughts. “Me and a few others are playing at the campus café on Saturday night.”


At the landing, I reach for the door handle, but Veer rushes ahead and pushes it open.

Tags: Siggy Shade Erotic