Page 201 of Wicked Lessons

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“What?” I blurt.

“Over these past months, you’ve come to mean everything to me. You’ve accepted everything about me from my kinks to my sordid beginnings. I never thought I could find my perfect match. When I watch you sleep, I still can’t believe you’re real, but waking up to find you still here gives me joy beyond measure.”

My throat thickens, and tears rise to my eyes.

This can’t be real.

Marius gazes down on me, his features held in a tight mask of calm. It’s almost as though he also can’t believe how much he’s saying.

“I feel the same way,” I reply. “I-I-I mean, I love you, too.”

His chest deflates, and the corners of his eyes soften with the beginnings of a smile.

“Phoenix, will you consent to being my wife?”

“Yes,” I say, my voice choked.

He places the collar around my neck. “We’ll go shopping for a ring tomorrow.”

When I turn around, he kisses me with an intensity that makes my toes curl.

I send a silent word of gratitude to Dad. If he hadn’t abandoned me all those months ago and left me with debts, I would never have been so determined to find a sugar daddy.

Now, I live in a beautiful mansion in Central London, I’m about to graduate at the top of a world-renowned university, and I have a sexy fiancé who would kill to protect me.

Life couldn’t get any brighter.

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