Page 15 of Wedding Bell Rock

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“So, I hear you’re dating a rock star, little sister.” Drew threw his arm around my shoulder and pulled me farther into the living room.

“I’m not dating him.” I rolled my eyes and smiled as Charlie and Chloe came running from the kitchen, cookies in hand.

“Aunt Evie!” they cried as they threw themselves at my legs.

“Oh my God! Hey, you guys!” I squatted down to hug them both tightly. “Are you feeding themMiracle Growor something?” I asked, laughing as I eyed how much they’d grown since I last saw them.

“They never stop eating,” Drew muttered. “And don’t think our other conversation is over.”

“What conversation?” I asked innocently, knowing full well what he was talking about. I wasn’t ready to talk about Alex with anyone, because I had no clue what the hell I was going to do about him. I was falling hard for a man who would be gone soon, and I felt like there was no stopping it. The amazing sex was just the icing on the proverbial cake.

“Nice try, Ev.”

“Drop it, Drew,” I said, allowing the kids to pull me into the kitchen where Gretchen was helping Maddie and Mom bake cookies while they talked and drank cocoa.

“Not fair, y’all started without me.” I grinned.

“There’s plenty left to do,” Mom said, thrusting a cookie sheet in my hands. “We still need to make the peppermint bark.”

“You guys want to help me break the peppermints?” I asked Chloe and Charlie, who both eagerly said yes.

Noah came in a while later. “Where have you been?” Maddie asked him, giving him a side hug.

“I was out.” He shrugged and moved farther in the kitchen to hug the kids, picking Charlie up and putting him on his shoulders. “Hey, kiddo.”

“Take me for a ride, Uncle Noah,” he squealed, excited to be up so high.

Noah took him around the house, and I sat back looking at my family. I loved them. It was big and loud, and they were nosy as hell, but I wouldn’t trade them for anything. My thoughts drifted to Alex, and the fact that he was alone for Christmas and family holidays. I thought about the brother he had out there somewhere, and I wondered if maybe Eric was as alone as Alex seemed to be. There was one way I could find out.



“Are you sure you want me there?” I asked, for some reason nervous, even though I’d already met Everly’s dad and one of her brothers. This was different. Although Everly and I had been together every day for the past week and a half, spending Christmas with her and her family felt like I was taking a step in a direction that I wasn’t sure I should, no matter how much I wanted to.

“I wouldn’t have asked you to go if I didn’t want you there.”

I glanced down at my watch for what had to be the tenth time. “We better get going, then. Don’t want to be late the first time I meet your mother.”

Everly laughed softly, crossing the room to stand in between my legs. I was sitting on my bed, fully dressed, but too damn nervous to leave the room. You would think I was a teenager going on a first date.

Sliding her arms around my neck, she leaned into me and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. “Come on, Alex. They are all going to love you.”

“That’s not the only thing I’m worried about,” I admitted quietly.

Everly frowned, and then I saw the moment of understanding hit her. “You’re worried that I will expect more from you than you are willing to give because I invited you to a holiday dinner with my family.”

I shrugged, pulling her close and bowing my head, resting my forehead against her chest. “Maybe.”

Everly laid her cheek against the top of my head, holding me to her, but staying silent.

“Maybe I’m worried that I want more,” I whispered. “More than either of us can give right now.”

Everly ran her fingers through my hair, kissing the top of my head, before whispering, “Me too.”

We stayed like that for several minutes before I pulled back. Looking into those beautiful eyes that I was sure would haunt me for the rest of my days, I muttered, “We better go.”

Resting her hand on the side of my face, Everly smiled gently. “Let’s take it one day at a time.”

Tags: Annelise Reynolds Romance