Page 12 of Wedding Bell Rock

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“How did I miss this?” I felt guilty because of the promise I made Noah make to me so long ago. He was a man of his word, just like our dad taught him to be, so he had kept his word even at the expense of his own happiness.

Alex reached over the table and took my hand. “Because you were too close, Evie. Don’t beat yourself up over it. You didn’t know.”

I sighed and glanced over at the couple again, knowing what I needed to do. “Excuse me, please.”

Alex nodded, releasing my hand and letting me slide from the booth. As I approached their table, Penelope looked up and worry filled her eyes. I hated that. Our long-standing rivalry had caused them both pain, and my being in the middle of it made me feel like shit on a shoe.

“Hey,” I said lamely, standing next to their table. “Sorry to interrupt, but can I talk with you for a second?”

Noah moved to get up, but I held out my hand. “No, not you.” I nodded to Penelope, “I’d like to talk to Penelope. Join me in the ladies’ room?”

“Evie.” Noah’s voice held a warning.

“Relax, Noah. I’ll send her out completely unharmed in just a minute.” I looked back at Penelope. “Two seconds. I promise.”

Penelope got up and moved toward the bathroom. “I promise,” I repeated to Noah, stressing the word promise before following her down the hall.

Humble pie tasted awful, and I was about to eat a big piece of it. Sighing, I pushed open the door to find Penelope waiting with her back to the wall and her arms crossed protectively over her chest. I stared at her for a moment, trying to get my thoughts and words straight. “Truce,” I said lamely, the only thing I could come up with.

“You’re willing to do that?” She stood up straighter, letting her arms fall to her sides. We’d both been horrible to each other in school. She’d thrown a ball at my head during dodge ball, and I’d hit her in the back of the head while serving during volleyball. She spread a rumor or two about me, and I’d done the same to her. We loved to hate each other, it seemed, but we were adults now, and my brother was a commonality that we seemed to have. It was time to change.

“As long as you don’t fuck with my brother, I’m willing to call a truce.”

For the first time, Penelope gave me a genuine, un-sarcastic, real smile. “Thank God,” she said, laughing. “I’ve wanted to put that shit behind us for a while, but I didn’t know how to approach you.”

I giggled, leaning back against the counter. “Stealing my clothes while I was showering in the locker room after athletics was genius, but seriously a dick move.”

Penelope laughed. “Served you right after you put blue hair dye in my shampoo bottle.”

“I did deserve it. Not saying I didn’t, but you deserved it, too.”

“Yeah, I did,” she chuckled softly.

“Well, I better let you get back to your date with my brother. He is probably thinking I have your head shoved down the toilet by now.”

Penelope laughed again and moved to open the door. “Maybe we can do lunch one day next week?” she offered.

“I’d like that.”

We left the bathroom to find Alex and Noah standing in the hallway, patiently waiting for us to emerge. The sight of them sent both of us into a fit of laughter because, apparently, they didn’t trust us to behave. Well, Noah didn’t. Alex gave me a soft smile and my breath caught at the look in his eyes. He gave me a small nod of approval, and I couldn’t stop the blush that rode up my cheeks.

“It’s about damn time,” Noah said, reaching for Penelope’s hand. “Everything good?” he asked her before looking at me.

“It’s great. We are doing lunch next week,” Penelope answered, curling into his side. I watched them leave and moved into Alex’s waiting arms.

“How are you feeling?” he asked, brushing a wayward strand of hair behind my ear.

“Lighter, actually. I feel like a weight’s been lifted off me.”

“Good. I already paid for dinner and had the leftovers boxed up for you.” We stopped at the table to pick up the bag, then made our way out of the restaurant so Noah and Penelope could have the rest of their date without us nearby. “Do you want to go for a walk?” he asked with his palm touching my lower back, leading me onto the sidewalk and into the cold night air.

I took a deep breath, the air stinging as I sucked it in. Tonight was a night of chances and new beginnings. The things I felt for Alex went way beyond the lust I felt for Xander. He was more than the rock icon I’d been crushing on for so long. He was a really good guy. I’d always thought so, but knowing him personally confirmed it for me, and it made me want him that much more.

“Only if that walk leads us to your room.”



Tags: Annelise Reynolds Romance