Page 11 of Tuning His Engine

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I woke up to the sound of Simon calling for me from the other room. Kas was laid across my chest, her hair a mess from the amount of times I’d had my fingers in it last night. We had stopped to order a pizza at one point, and while we waited for the sustenance to get here, I pulled her on top of me on the couch and let her gently ride my cock while I worshiped her breasts.

It was like we couldn’t get enough of each other, and I still wanted more. I lost track of the times I’d reached for her last night and each time she opened to me willingly. There was no doubt in my mind that she would miss her next period because the amount of cum I dumped in her last night had to be measured in gallons.

I kissed her hair and slid out of bed, grabbing a pair of basketball shorts from the chest of drawers I went to see what Simon was up to.


“Hey Little Buddy.” I smiled lifting him into my arms and kissing his hair. “Did you sleep good?”

“I’m hungry.”

“All right. Let’s check your pull up and get you changed then we’ll go make some breakfast.” I turned around to find Kas standing at the door. She was wearing one of my shirts, and it hung down to her thighs. There was nothing sexier. The finest lingerie couldn’t compare to a woman wearing her man’s clothes.

“Morning.” I smiled and moved toward her pulling her against me with one arm and giving her a quick hard kiss.

“Morning.” She smiled and looked at Simon who was in my other arm. “Hi, Simon. You remember me?”

He nodded but still looked confused. “This is Daddy’s fiance. She’s going to live here with us and be my wife.”

“Ok. I’m hungry, Daddy. Do we have cereal?”

I laughed, good to know that he was secure enough that I wasn’t trying to replace him with Kas or anyone else. “Yeah. Let’s go get some cereal. We may be going to hang out with Millie and Olivia today.”

“Yay!” he bounced in my arms.

“I think I may have to skip the park with you guys. I have nothing to wear.” I looked over at Kas I was helping Simon get his clothes on. “My pants and shirt from yesterday are still bloody, and I want to go to the vet and check on Hemi. I need to go to my place to get cleaned up.”

“I can take you back to your place and to see Hemi. It’s not a problem.”

“You sure? I don’t want to intrude in your plans with your neighbors.”

“It’s no intrusion. I wanted you to go to the part with us, but you’re right we need to get you fresh clothes and go see Hemi. Let me go call Tyson. You want to finish getting Simon dressed?”

“Sure.” I gave her a quick kiss and ducked out of the room to go grab my phone.

Tyson picked up on the second ring, he was already up, and I could hear his girls giggling in the background. Parents never got to sleep in no matter what time they went to bed. That was a lesson I’ve learned very well.

“Hey, I was just about to call you.”

“Hey man. Kassandra and I might not be able to go to the park with you guys today, but I wondered if you would mind taking Simon with you.”

“Serena told me you brought home someone.” I could hear the smile in his voice. “She said it looked serious and that the pheromones between the two of you were palpable.”

“Yeah, it’s serious. I’m going to marry her, soon.”

“Cool, yeah. Simon can come with us, it’s no problem.”

“There’s something else.” I hesitated wondering if I should even try, but knowing in my heart it was what’s best for Simon, especially after Amber’s stunt yesterday. “What would I have to do to try to get full custody of Simon?”

Chapter 8


Since Simon was spending the day with the neighbors at the park, Creed took me to my apartment. We christened my place on the kitchen counter, and then in my tiny shower, then we snacked on some sandwiches before packing up mine and Hemi’s things to take them back to his place.

Everything was moving fast, but neither one of us cared. This was real, and we didn’t want to waste a minute of it. “Is that it?”

I honestly didn’t have much. I didn’t cook much because I was always at work so the cupboards were pretty bare except for dog food and snack foods. We would get movers to take my furniture to a donation station, and other than that I just had clothes and my computer. We packed it all into the back of his truck then made our way over to Dr. Foster’s office to check on Hemi.

Tags: Annelise Reynolds Erotic