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“Well… it’s not quite that clear-cut. When my family was together, before Dad passed, it was fine. Mom always insisted on lots of presents. Nothing expensive, just fun things like socks and hoodies, goofy books and T-shirts. Joker always bought the big stuff. Because he’d been a Supply Manager in Chile for the largest copper mine in the world, he loved finding deals and spent loads on technology items like laptops and cellphones.”

“You were spoiled.”

“Yep. But all that ended when we lost him. Now, I just get through the day with Talin as best we can. He likes me to cook a turkey and put up the tree, and so I do.”

“Of course, you do. And cook a Christmas dinner? What a blessing! Last year, I ordered in. Opened the present I bought myself, watched movies and ate so much chocolate I had to neutralize it with eggnog.”

“Not this year. I’ll cook for you, but you’ll have to pay for dinner.”

“And how do you suggest I do that?”

“I insist on a special currency – sexual favors.”

“Ahh, then you’ve got the right girl. I’m willing to start making a down payment right now.”

His rumbling laugh eased through her, causing her to grin up at him. He urged her into the house and helped her off with her jacket. He craved to pick her up, sling her over his shoulder and head straight for the bedroom. Respect stopped him from doing something so classless.

“You hungry?”

“Not for food.” Kayti had no idea how she’d become so saucy and comfortable to put herself out there like she did with Murphy. Somehow, she knew he wouldn’t hurt her or play with her heart. Somehow, she trusted him more than she’d ever trusted any other man.

His hungry look drilled her, but he still played the host. “Want a drink?”

“What’re you offering?”

“My poison is Canadian Club and Coke.”

“What’s it taste like?”

“It’s a rye whisky. I got hooked on it through my dad. He was born in Canada and drank this all his life. Now it’s my weakness.”

“I’ll have one with you. I don’t drink a lot of soda but adding whisky will help.”

He passed her a tall glass filled with ice and Coke. It wasn’t until she took the first sip and the flavor of the alcohol broke through that it instantly became her new favorite drink.

He took a huge swallow and felt his body welcome the treat.Mmmm, ambrosia.“Do you like it?”

“I do, very much.”

“Good. Are you tired?” Jesus, did he really ask that? Stupid shit. He hadn’t been this nervous since… forever.

“Is that a leading question?”

Playing the innocent, he replied, “I wouldn’t want the lady to feel disrespected by me jumping her bones the minute we entered the house. Even if that was my first inclination. Treating you right won’t hurt me.”

Shivers of anticipation sensitized her skin. “I wouldn’t want to make you suffer.”

Their eyes caught, and she stopped breathing. The look in his was pure sexual devilment. With her legs weak, she finished her drink, stood and approached him slowly.

When he picked her up, she straddled his waist and moaned with anticipation. That did it. He headed in the direction of his room.

While he carried her, she hugged his head, placing kisses along his neck, nuzzling and licking his skin where his beard didn’t reach.

“God, woman. Don’t make me drop you.” He hurried through the door and lowered her to the bed, following her down. “You’re too damn beautiful for your own good. I had every intention of behaving myself, treating you with respect and not attacking you first thing.”

She laughed as if he’d made a joke, but he hadn’t. He’d seriously planned to behave like a decent guy and not a sex-craved animal. And the fact that she was sticking her tongue in his ear didn’t make it any easier. In fact, it made it downright impossible.

“You’ll stop me if this isn’t what you want to happen.”

Tags: Mimi Barbour Thriller