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Chapter Five

Jake woke to the sounds from the people on the deck below and couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw the setting sun in the distance. Lord, the colors in the sky could rip a man’s heart in two. So beautifully soft, the brilliant purple fading into pink and then orange, before shading the yellow ball of fire fast disappearing. It should be photographed, and the memory stored in a cloud. Only he was too lazy to get his phone and carry through on the idea.

He watched the waves, rippling in the golden glow, and his heart swelled. The horizon of peaceful water surrounding the ship as it left behind the fading lights of the harbor made him happy that he’d given in to Leo’s pleading. Guess he really did need a vacation.

Standing, he leaned over the side and watched the small amount of white froth that appeared to cushion the sides of the ship. They gave him a surreal feeling of comfort, knowing his journey had begun.

He grinned at his fanciful thinking but couldn’t force himself to move. More comfortable than he’d felt in a very long time, he opened his shirt to the warm ocean breeze and contemplated ordering dinner in his room.

Unfortunately, he’d promised Leo he would socialize; get out of the funk he’d fallen victim to lately. Thinking to move his lazy ass into the suite and dress for the dining room, he decided he’d take his time. The second dinner setting would work just fine for him. Maybe there’d be less of a crowd.

Before he’d fully made up his mind, a voice from the room below caught his attention.

“Stop it Larry. You’re hurting me.”

“Yet you love me more when I’m rough, baby. You know you do.”

“No. I don’t. That’s just what your sick mind needs to believe so you can force me to do what you want. Let me go, or I swear I’ll scream.”

“Yet you won’t, will you? You know what will happen to you if you embarrass me.”

The sounds of a struggle followed, and then the slamming of the sliding door.

Christ! Jake found himself sitting on the edge of his lounge chair, his nerves in a complete frazzle. He visualized being there and flipping the asshole overboard. What kind of a man treats his woman that way?

Shaking himself out of the stupor of anger, knowing there was nothing he could do about what he’d heard, he decided to get out of the room, go and have a nice meal and keep his eyes peeled for the gorgeous model he’d fallen asleep thinking about.

When he opened the door to his small walk-in closet, he heard strange sounds of mewing.

What the hell was that?

He started rifling around in his shoes, shifting his hanging pants and shirts, moving his smaller suitcases that fit in here rather than under the bed. He couldn’t find the source of the sound. It faded and then stopped.

Until he started muttering… then it resumed even louder. It sounded more like a yowling noise and became especially shriller when his shoulder nudged the garment bag, hanging near the back.

Quickly, he slid down the zipper and to his shock, a furry little face popped out as if to say “Boo!” Wearing the most sorrowful look imaginable, the white markings around the amber eyes were damp as if the poor kitten had been crying his heart out.

If the accusing stare was in any way an indication of where the baby was placing the blame for his incarceration, Jake was a monster. His heart melted – dropped right there, wriggling like a landed fish on the floor in front of him.

His guilt, fueled by the snarl of anger that suddenly appeared on the kitten’s face, overcame common sense, and he hugged the fluffy handful close. For his temerity, the cat swiped his tiny claw across Jake’s cheek and left his mark.

“Dammit!” Jake grabbed at his bleeding face and at the same time, held the fighter out in front of him and shook gently. “You listen here, dude. No scratching. No clawing and certainly no pissing in this room. Got it! If you mean to stay here with me, which means I have to hide you from the crew and the other guests, we need to come to an agreement.”

Hanging from Jake’s gentle hold, the amber eyes narrowed as if buddy was thinking over Jake’s words. Then he waved his paws and a sheepish expression took over. Soft mews sounded, and Jake could have sworn the kitten was agreeing to his decrees. Damnedest thing he ever saw.

Before he could decide what to do with his new roommate, a knock sounded. Glancing everywhere to find a hiding place for the kitten, he yelled out, “A minute please.” Then he ran into the bathroom and carefully placed the baby in the bathtub, closed the door and headed to where his visitor was waiting.

As he expected, Carlos, his attendant, who’d introduced himself at the start of the voyage, entered, carrying a gorgeous flower arrangement. An embossed card stuck out from the inserted stick.

“Ola, Señor Andrews. I have here some flowers for you. They are beautiful, no?”

“Sure are, Carlos. Thank you. Just put them over on the table.” Carlos did so and then took the extra towels he had over his arm to put them away.

Pretending nonchalance, Jake went to the card to see who had sent him the flowers, and his attention was riveted on the name at the bottom of the note.

Madeline! Jesus, that woman never gave up. How the hell did she know his plans? A creepy sensation started at the back of his neck, while knots formed in his stomach. Blasted hell! Was he never going to be rid of that female menace?

“Ahhh, Señor Andrews—”

“Just call me Jake, Carlos.” He couldn’t take his eyes off of the note.

“So… ahh Señor Jake. You have kitten in your bathtub…?”

Tags: Mimi Barbour Thriller