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Chapter Fifty-six

Everyone else had settled down, the pool party ended, and finally Charli watched as Blake closed the door to their bedroom, shutting out the world.

He swept her into a hug, proving the last little while had been as hard for him as it had for her. “Alone at last! I love our family, but I couldn’t wait to get you to myself.”

“No kidding. The constant looks you were giving me were very revealing. They threatened all kinds of enjoyable compensations that had me on the edge most of the evening.”

She kissed him with all the yearning he’d raised from those long, intent gazes and fleeting touches, the quick hugs and hands caressing her neck and hair. He’d seduced her with his eyes, and she’d loved the growing passion swirling around inside, with promises of a night to remember.

In seconds, his breathing turned harsh, his hands began exploring and he deepened the kiss.

“Blake, we should discuss details—”

“No talk. I need to be inside you, our bodies joined the same way my heart’s connected to yours. It’s magic, baby. Pure spiritual. I’ve never felt like this before.” As he talked, he helped her lose her swimsuit, and then chucked his own. Lifting her in his arms, her lags wrapped around his waist, arms around his neck, he carried her to the bed and lowered her. Leaning in so she could see his face, he stared into hers and stopped, looking his fill as she watched him memorize her features.


“You’re beautiful.”

“Funny thing, I was thinking the same earlier about you.”

He laughed. “Men aren’t beautiful. They’re too mundane and… and well… basic.”

“And idiotic.” She couldn’t believe he had so little conceit. “Anyway, I wasn’t just thinking of your body, silly, although that’s a major turn-on. I was talking about that big old mushy heart you’ve kept hidden from all the other women in your life.”

He appeared befuddled, endearingly so. “Do you realize if it wasn’t for your grandfather, I’d be surrounded again? Even Star’s a female. Thank God for John.” He leaned in for a blistering kiss. Then he threaded his gentle fingers through her curls as he liked to do. “I have no doubt the good Lord will grace us with a family, and just to be persnickety, they’ll be daughters as well.”

She wriggled to remind him of his earlier intentions and grinned when she saw his interest flare.

Interpreting the hint, he slipped inside her and loved her so well that afterwards she lay gasping, sweating and totally drained… fulfilled.

In love.

She lay next to him, listening to his heavy breathing, and knew he’d had the same breathtaking experience that had rocked her world.

She heard over and over his declarations of love while his body proved what his heart felt and his lips whispered.

Her thoughts meandered to the future, her new family all together under one roof, loving each other, sharing… her Poppa John living with them, giving them the benefit of his wisdom. The girls growing, learning, developing into strong adults under their guidance and loving help.

Blake and her – a couple – working together to become a solid unit. A new home, one to accommodate everyone, plus a nursery, and a yard for Star.

She could see their wedding now. Blake as handsome as sin in a typical black tux. Her in a white silky gown, long swirling skirt, red roses in her bouquet, her grandmother’s pearls at her throat and her mother’s veil… tucked into herred curls.

Tags: Mimi Barbour Thriller