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Chapter Fifty-five

Later that night, Charli’s gaze passed over her new family gathered in the kitchen, sharing the steaks that John had grilled for them on the barbecue. There’d been a lot of laughter and high jinx, reaction to what they’d all undergone that day.

After they’d released Blake from the hospital due to his insistence, everyone had been taken to the police department where they’d been interrogated – answering pointed questions, each giving their own accounts of what happened.

Since they’d done nothing inappropriate while saving their own lives, their individual statements were taken, and they were all released. Even the dog had come home with them.

At the warehouse and then later at the police station, the canine had freaked when they’d tried to separate her from John’s gentle touch. Because of his persuasion, promising the dog would behave, they’d looked to Blake for approval, and let John keep the animal with him the whole time.

Even at the house, the pooch hadn’t left John’s side. Charli heard her Poppa John’s gentle voice talking to the pet, helping her to relax. The dog allowed the girls near her, but still had a problem with Blake.

Could be his voice had a deep tone like that of a previous owner. No one knew, but her nervous reactions included slinking behind John when Blake entered the room, growling when Blake touched one of the girls and outright snarls when he embraced Charli.

“Jesus, the mutt hates me.” Blake grieved while the others laughed at his fake distress.

“She’ll behave once she settles down. Now that I think of it, she didn’t like Bob, I mean Dylan, or whatever his real name is, much either.” John picked up the contrary animal, and had his face lovingly washed for his trouble. “She put up such a stink at the police station earlier, that twerp, Dudley, had to behave while he had me in that cubicle.”


Not in the least sorry, Poppa John winked at the others, adopted a fake pathetic attitude and answered, “I apologize.”

Charli just shook her head, trying to hide the grin.

“You still haven’t told us the dog’s name?” Blake interrupted, saving John from further censure.

“I never heard her referred to with an actual name now that I think about it. Dylan told me the dog had been in the animal shelter when he found her. She’s quite young, not a pup, but not fully grown either; I’d say maybe a year or two old. When we return her, they should be able to tell us.”

Charli rushed to the chair where he sat with the shaking bag of bones on his lap, leaning against his chest. Golden hair with soft curls, her black eyes huge, and a plume of a tail that only tucked under when Blake came near, she wasn’t exactly ugly, just skinny. “That dog’s a star; she saved our lives, Gramps. You really think she’s going back to the pound? She stays with us and will be loved and spoiled until she takes her last breath, right gang?”

The chorus of agreements was varied.

Kayla’s came loud and clear, “Absolutely.”

Angie’s was a little more colorful and so was her face once she realized her words might be controversial. “Fucking A.”

Blake was the last to respond, and got a resounding cheer for his vote. “If she lets me, I’ll beherbest friend, since what she did for us makes her ours. She stays. But only on one condition.”

Everyone stopped breathing. He’d gotten their attention, big time.

“Since she’s your star, you have to stay here and look after her, John. Besides, we need your calm, steadiness in our lives. Once I talk Charli into marrying me and we buy a bigger place, we’ll be family. When that happens, we’ll need the ultimate warrior who can keep us all in line.”

Poppa John looked pleased, alarmed and thoughtful all at the same time. She could see multiple thoughts shifting in his head. Earlier statements he’d made came back to her.Old people should live in homes, and let the young ones live their lives unencumbered by the worries of seniors and their problems.

She took his hand, so he’d look into her eyes. “It’s different with us, Popsicle, you know that. We all need you.” Charli petted the furry head gently. “Star needs you.”

“She has her name.” John laughed when the dog added her persuasion by jumping up to lick his face, her teary, loving gaze almost as potent as Charli’s. “Please, Gramps—”

“Alright, already. Don’t beg. It would be my pleasure to stay here with you all.” He wiped his eyes with his gnarled fingers, trying to hide the shakes.

Hugs and embraces followed and the uproar didn’t settle down until they returned to their earlier conversation of what had taken place at the police station.

Kayla bragged, “I had Detective Newton—”

“He’s Lieutenant Newton, Kayla.” Blake interrupted.

“Even better. I got the bigshot to interview me.” She beamed at everyone, and they all snickered. “He was really nice. Told me I was brave, and though he didn’t agree with me having taken the firearm, since I’d used it to protect myself and everyone else, there’d be no charges.”

Blake interrupted, “Speaking of taking firearms, how did you two know about my safe and the combination?”

Tags: Mimi Barbour Thriller