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Chapter Sixty-six

When Alia and Roy returned to the living room, the silence deepened as the others looked up expectantly. She felt their eyes trying to gauge her and Roy’s expressions.

The fact that Roy’s arm was wrapped around her waist and she leaned in close to her Santa-like father allowed them all to sigh with relief.

Kean was on Sloan’s lap snuggled in his arms, his expression revealing the fear all kids have of thinking maybe he’d done something wrong.

Les and Libby were sitting very close together on the couch, Les’s arm around her shoulder. Both looked quizzical and yet strained.

Don looked around the room, picking up the tension. “I’m outta here.” He waved and headed for the front door. It closed softly behind him.

Sloan’s face was pale, his eyes hard, but his hands were gentle as he rubbed Kean’s arm. “Wanna share your secret with the rest of us?”

Roy had Alia’s paper file that she’d given him to read in private. He held it up, waved it once, saying, “Of course we’ll tell you our news. You’re all family.”

Libby started to rise. “I’ll leave you to it, then.”

Les hauled her back into his hug. “Not so fast, woman. If I have my way and I usually do, soon you’ll belong in the circle as much as the rest of us. Let the old man ramble.”

Roy grinned at Les. “Tonight you can’t mess with me, you jackass. I’ve just learned that I’m a father and a grandfather, and nothing can blunt my happiness.”

“Say what?” Les came back at him, his body jackknifing forward.

“Alia is my daughter. Her mother was Scarlet Honor, the girl I left behind in San Francisco all those years ago. She was pregnant and never said a word. Broke off with me and gave our baby up for adoption.”

Kean sat up suddenly. “Does that mean you’re my real grandpa?”

“Yep. It sure does, boy. I’m your grandpa alright and I couldn’t be happier.” He went over to take Kean from Sloan and hugged the boy tight.

“Christ, we’ll never hear the end of this now.” Les’s unexpected comment made everyone laugh. Then he added another sentence and Alia saw Sloan’s reaction. “It’s a bloody good thing, I’ll be a grandpa too as soon as Sloan marries Alia. Or I’d have to shoot you to stop the crowing.”

Tags: Mimi Barbour Thriller