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It sounded as if there was a meeting of many more than the four she knew about. There were a lot of voices all spouting Jihadi crap and plans to teach the infidels not to mess with Allah’s chosen.

Suddenly an argument sprung up as to the best place to set their bombs.Shit!These wackos were serious… if they had fire power. Then she heard Yasir speak. “What bombs? You have nothing but dreams and talk. I don’t want anything to do with a group of complainers who speak of war and do nothing.”

Her anxiety lessened tenfold and she continued to pay attention. Sloan had his phone out and was recording everything, but only after he’d sent a text with the address and a request for backup.

When they heard the sirens approaching, so did the people inside and many would have run if not for the fact that Sloan called out. “FBI. Stay where you are. We have you surrounded. If you have any weapons, throw them into the restaurant area and then lie down with your hands over your heads. Do it,now!”

Alia circled back out front and added her orders to his. “Weapons forward. Come on folks. We’ll be searching you and the premises so just save yourself from being charged with possession of a firearm.” A small handgun appeared from behind the curtain and then another.

Screams turned to arguments as everyone started to blame each other. It was a shit-show, a bunch of untrained, unknowledgeable complainers who’d decided to form a group and rant their hate.

Sloan waited by the window to make sure no one tried getting out that way and soon passed over his spot to an officer Alia had sent to cover for him.

She watched him walk up to Nigel and pass on his phone so they could upload his files into the computers, making sure not to delete anything that would be proof against these numbskulls.

Then he walked up to Alia. She had taken a moment to talk with Leah who had begged for her attention. “Alia, please help us. We just want to go home.”

“I’m sorry, whoever you are. I do know your name isn’t Leah. Look, people can’t come into this country and behave in a subversive manner. It’s considered treason and it’s against our laws. There’ll be a trial and you will be charged. What they’ll do to you, I don’t know. But if I were you, I’d start praying to Allah because you’re going to need all the help you can get.”

Disgusted with the whole sick situation, Alia walked away and stifled the pity the other girl’s anguished cry generated. In her head, she knew her sympathy was misplaced. But her heart did clench for the future of the young woman who’d probably been brainwashed all her life by zealots who’d lied and bent the truth for their own advantage, and to support their own beliefs.

As if he knew about the fight raging inside her, Sloan approached, slipped his arm around her waist and led her to the SUV. “We’ll go and tell Sam the good news, shall we?”

Tags: Mimi Barbour Thriller