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The shmuck ended up face down on the deck, her knee in his back, his cheek being ground into the netting where he’d landed. Alia, her beautiful face full of determination, her blue eyes spitting revenge, leaned over him and her words made him proud.

“You ever come near my son again, you prick, and I’ll see you in hell. He’s mine. And, once and for all, my eggs are mine.”

The idiot sputtered, frothed, and his howl of indignation broke loose. “If you think I want another brat like him, you can think again. Let me go and get out. I never want to see either one of you again.”

Alia flung Paul’s arm down and stepped purposely on his back as she walked over him. That made him yell yet again.

It made Libby laugh.

Les added, “You go, girl.”

Kean cheered. “Yeah… Mo-om.”

The commotion got worse when two more agents suddenly jumped onto the boat, one being Nigel Dullen. “FBI. Everyone stop what you’re doing, drop your weapons and put your hands up.” The idiot had his gun pulled, held out front in both hands, while the agent behind him shook his head disgustedly.

“Nigel, I think Al has the perp under control. Maybe we don’t need to use force in this situation.”

Nigel, seeing that everyone was staring at him with shock, disgust or amusement, lowered his weapon. “What the hell is going on here? We had a report that there was a kidnapping in progress.”

Alia spoke calmly to her co-workers and within a few minutes had control back in her capable hands. They were pulling out handcuffs to make the arrest, take Paul into custody, but after seeing the horror on Kean’s face, Alia waved them down.

“It’s been a big misunderstanding, Nigel. No harm done. Kean’s fine and we’re just going to go home and take care of the other little bit of business we’re working on.”

When Nigel went to argue, she stepped close and whispered something that had him backing off and nodding.

Sloan, who’d pulled Kean protectively close, his arms shielding the boy during the scuffle, sneezed.

Tags: Mimi Barbour Thriller