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Chapter Fifty-two

Pat turned up a horizontal street, expecting to cut off the SUV at the next intersection, and he would have too, if it hadn’t been for an asshole on his bike. Slowed down by the seconds needed to blockade the SUV, they had to pull in behind the HPD Fusion and soon realized that the cop in the car ahead wasn’t an experienced driver. He was erratic, foolishly taking chances. Sloan grabbed the latch-handle over the passenger seat as a precaution.

Thankfully, Pat’s driving skills were good and he hit the brakes at each stupid maneuver taken by the car in front to stop from slamming into it. “He’s getting away. Those idiots can’t keep up.”

“I’m not surprised. Tadeo’s been Kroller’s driver for years. I’m sure it’s not the first car chase he’s been involved in. Look, there’s a side street in the next block. See if you can cut off there and pick him up on the other side.” Sloan had his cell in his hand, waiting on his boss, AD Jack Harrison, to answer.

“Okay. But I think I know where he’s going. We got a call to a warehouse on the east side a while back, saying that they were storing guns and drugs there. We were too late. The place had been cleaned out, but they could have returned after the heat was off. Looks to me like he’s headed in that direction.”

“What’s the name of the street? I’ll call it in and have them send the SWAT guys there.” Once Sloan had his boss on the line, he briefed him about what was going down and where they were headed, told him he’d called out Henry and his team and gave him the news of Kroller’s death.

“Sloan, I can’t say I’m sorry about that bastard being killed, figured he’d get his dues in exactly that way. But we can’t afford a bloodbath, so we need to stop this now.”

“Yes, sir. We’ll do our best.”

“Keep me posted. And keep your head down.”

“Right. Head down. Talk soon.”

By the time they pulled over behind another building, Sloan saw Tadeo’s SUV drive through a garage-like door that automatically opened for his car.

“This isn’t the same place I remember. It was two doors over. I guess they decided to move here after the dust settled from the raid.”

“Kroller owns a few of these buildings. Agent Howard and I have a file thick as your arm on this gang. On the books it looks like it’s being rented to a perfectly legit organization, but in fact, Kroller was renting to himself. It’s complicated.”

“No kidding. These assholes hire high-priced accountants and legal scum who know every law inside and out, so they can get away with breaking them without being charged.”

“You got that right.”

“Hold it. Here they come.” All of the various warehouse doors were sliding up revealing a line-up of cars, waiting to pull out. “Tadeo must have rounded up their men just in case.”

“Jesus. We can’t stop them on our own. Where’s the calvary?”

No sooner had the words left his mouth than the compound was inundated with SWAT vehicles, blocking the gang trying to exit the huge warehouse and the loading area.

Both of them exited the car, taking cover behind the safer SWAT vehicles.

Thinking the game was up, Sloan never figured on the gunshots, or that the lawbreakers would take a stance. They were opening fire on federal agents, for crissakes. And they were outnumbered. “Who in their right mind would have given the order to shoot?”

Then he heard his uncle’s voice. “Take ‘em down, boys.”

Sloan crouched and ran from where he’d been protected to behind one of the team’s SUV’s. He called out before approaching. “Hey, man. It’s me, Booker. I need a firearm.”

The agent who knew him well reached to his ankle and handed over the smaller weapon and a fresh reload. “Here. Stay low. We figure there’s at least a dozen armed with rifles and they don’t seem to care if they shoot a cop.”

“Their old boss died. You know that, right?”

“And I’m supposed be sorry? Not me, man. The guy deserved everything he got and more.”

The fresh spurt of bullets stopped their conversation and Sloan took off, heading in the direction where he’d heard his uncle call out. He bypassed one of the police vehicles and ran around to the next, staying low and cussing every time another spurt of rifle fire pelted the area. Fucking modern automatic weapons were a menace.

He waited until the agents returned fire and then ran for the building, hiding along the side. A movement drew his attention and he ducked just in time to avoid the bullet that would have taken off the top of his head. He fired back in that direction, and heard a man scream first and then thrash around as if he’d hit the ground.

He peeked into the side window of the building and saw Tadeo. He’d gone back inside and was rushing to another door that headed out of the back.

Sloan quickly followed him, running hard, his breath coming in gasps.

Just as he rounded the far side of the place, he spied the dark shadow and called out. “FBI. Stop where you are and put your hands up.”

Tags: Mimi Barbour Thriller