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Chapter Thirty-nine

Alia made repairs to her face, though without putting on more mascara because it would take too long to do it properly. She needed to get to the sunroom now that Janna had arrived with her company.

Staring at her image, she hesitated. She had cut down on how much make-up she wore, but it felt weird to go out in public without her former mask, like she was naked, exposed—unprotected.

The scene earlier between her and Kean re-played over in her mind and she reached for another tissue. Her little boy had been on his bed crying when she’d knocked and opened their bedroom door. As soon as he’d seen who it was, he’d swiped at his tears and laid back down, facing the wall.

Not sure how to start, Alia had stood nearby, gathering her courage so she could come straight to the point. Finally, she cleared her throat and dove in. “You really wanted to go with Roy, didn’t you?”

“Yes,” Kean had sniffed and added, “Helikesme.”

His words had cut her in half, leaving the raw wounds bloody. She’d gone with being honest and hoped he’d hear her sincerity. “I do too, kiddo. You’re pretty easy to like. When I said no to you, it was because I was trying to protect you. But in this case, I was wrong. Sloan says that he used to spend all his time at the garage when he was your age. So I guess it’s safe.”

Kean sat up and looked at her, his globby eyes earnest and full of hope. “Roy and Les wouldn’t let anything bad happen to me, Mom.”

“I know they wouldn’t. But accidents can happen, so you must do exactly as they tell you and don’t touch anything unless they give you permission.”

“I’m not a baby, Mom. I know that.”

“Sorry. You’re right.” Remembering Sloan’s words, Alia had taken the discussion further. “Kean, when you really want something, I mean something that well… that means a lot to you, you gotta tell me. Explain it to me so I understand. I’m not too good at picking up signals sometimes so it would really help me if you like, told me.”

“Ruby says I mustn’t argue when I don’t get my way.”

“She’s right… to a point. But you’re growing up and you need to be able to, ahh… discuss things with me. For instance, when I know something means a lot to you, I promise I’ll give it more consideration and we can… ahh, hash it over, like adults. Okay?”

“Sure. That’s good, Mom. We can hash a lot if you like. So can I go with Roy?”

Well, that wasn’t so hard.“Uh, huh. He’s waiting for you.”

Kean had dashed over to where she’d stood, arms crossed over her middle to keep the rioting emotions inside her stomach from making her hurl.God this parenting was hard shit!

When he’d come at her, his arms had been stretched wide. She’d opened hers and he’d moved right in, wrapped his arms around her waist, brushed his face against her stomach and hugged her hard. She’d kinda thought he might have left his tears on the front of her top—hopefully no other bodily fluids—but that didn’t matter. The desperate hug he’d given her would keep her going for days.

She’d followed him to the patio to wave as he’d flown at the two men who were waiting.God, I love that boy.He’s so damn precious, how did I ever get so lucky?

Sloan stepped up behind her as she entered the kitchen for a coffee to take with her to the front. “Do you want me to watch the Amans’ place so that you can have dinner ready for when the kid gets back?”


Friggin’, shittin’ hell!

“You want me to prepare the meal?”

Having picked up on her terror, he chuckled. “You can’t cook either, can you?”

“I can make hot dogs. Or French toast. Once I made an omelette and after we scooped it from the stovetop, it actually tasted pretty good.”

“Let me guess. Ruby cooked. And you let her.”

On the defensive now, she admitted, “There’s nolettingthat girl do anything. The kitchen became her domain and I respected her rules.”


“And it was easier to stand back and let her take over. Okay, I’m a failure as a mom and a housekeeper. But that’s my personal life. Please don’t imagine I’m a pushover when it comes to my career. I’m a good agent.”

“So I’ve heard. Tough as nails.” The man’s voice turned husky, and she had to grip the handle of her mug tighter.

He grinned, and she wasn’t too sure if he was teasing her or making fun. Not willing to push buttons, she said, “I’ll order pizzas later and take this shift so when Kean returns, I can spend time with him until he goes to bed. And, so you don’t think me totally incapable, I made my own coffee.” She headed toward the far doorway. Fully aware of his heated stare, her skin pebbled with delightful tingles. Preventing the swaying of her hips from becoming provocative was difficult but she managed.

Tags: Mimi Barbour Thriller