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She took the next corner on two wheels, and Sloan’s groan coming from the back seat almost had her sympathy.

She did her usual tricks to get away from the others, but this time no amount of playing Hide-and-Seek worked. So, she fell back on the one trick that never failed.

Moments later, after she’d jumped a yellow light and earned a few seconds, she pulled the stunt. The others had dropped back, forced to stop at the red light behind another car.

Putting Sloan’s baby through its paces, she screeched around a few more corners and headed into the parking lot, whipped up the four levels at an unhealthy clip while Sloan whimpered, and then shot into the empty stall next to her hidden SUV.

“Quick. Bring Sara. We’re transferring.”

Thankful for his accepting orders and not taking time to question her right to give them, she pulled the tarp off her stored vehicle and transferred it to his.

Once she had Sloan holding Sara in the back seat, behind the blackened windows so no one could see in, she flipped on another of her wigs. This time, bouncy red curls framed her face and a lacy white blouse with ruffles around the collar completely changed her appearance. Moving fast, she got behind the wheel and drove out of the garage.

She glared through her oversized black-framed, golden lens glasses at the sight of the crazies, who cut her off and yelled obscenities. Then with her music blaring, she backed up to let them pass and drove sedately on her way.

Tags: Mimi Barbour Thriller