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Chapter Twenty-nine

Once they’d touched, the warm brown of his eyes became flames of golden intensity. Half-opened, the molten magnets drew her toward him like a regretful,I-should-have-known-bettermoth to a flame. Her feeble attempts to tug her fingers from his clasp failed.

“Let me.” Voice husky, he drew her closer while his other hand released the clip she wore to keep her hair up and off her neck. She felt its bulk cascade over her shoulders and then his hands threading through the strands. How could she have stopped him? Her bones had liquefied. He scooped her up, his strong hands sliding under her bottom.

Weakened with the instant passion incited by his entreaty, her good intentions fled, taking her will with them.Good Lord, the man’s charisma devastated.

Her body’s instant approval: breasts swelling, demanding pulsations between her legs, muscles clenching – draining the moisture from her most sensitive place. All these sensations melted her resistance.

“Yes. If you want…” Rapid heartbeats forced her breathe out in gasps she couldn’t control.Was she this easy?There was no doubt in her hazy mind… the man could do with her as he chose. She had no willpower.

Thank God.My inhibitions are saturated in Mai Tais, wine and hunger!It had been so long since anyone had tempted her surrender, the compulsion was too hard to deny.

She moaned and words burst out. “It’s been so long.”

“Trust me, darlin’. Me too.”

He had his face buried in her hair. Sniffing her neck, he licked the soft, sweet-smelling skin under her ear. His following breath cooled the dampness, and shivers of excitement stormed her body. “You smell like heaven.”

Breathing erratically, she swallowed the next moan. “It’s Pure Poison.

He kissed the spot again that should have tickled but didn’t. “Poison’s not the term I’d use. You smellgood.”

“It’s the name of the perfume. Never mind…”

He moved to lay claim to her lips. The man’s kiss held nothing back; rather, he forced her surrender. Excited beyond recall, she arched closer, driving her chest against his, needing the contact, wanting to give, share… heal.

His hands cupped her face and he began kissing downwards, working his way to where her breasts mounded in slopes of white, satiny skin. His small, playful nips, licks and teasing caresses created tingles as she watched while he paid homage to her willing body.

Of their own accord, her hands sifted through his hair, the black thickness curling around her fingers like strands of silk.

“You have goose bumps.” His warm palm stroked the skin he’d just kissed so lovingly, his wandering fingers delved further under her dress, searching…

“It’s a sign of pleasure. Ignore them.” A sigh escaped when she felt his finger touch her ultra-sensitive nipple. The sound erupted as somewhere between a whimper and a groan full of raspy frustration.

“I want to touch you too.” Her hands pulled at his shirt.

Sloan quickly worked at the buttons until her fingers got in the way. With a growl of irritation, he grabbed the Hawaiian shirt from under the back collar and pulled it over his head.

Then his strong arms lifted her to straddle his lap. Warm hands pushed her dress up past her hips, his desire to touch as compulsive as hers. Their mouths connected, driven by a need so strong it melted her rational brain cells to soggy putty. She couldn’t get enough of him, not when he tasted like raw honey and she had a sudden craving for sweetness.

Hi tongue did wicked things in her mouth, making her aware of what his intentions were for her body. Breaking lip contact, he reached for the zipper along the back of her dress and fiddled with the blasted thing until it drove her half wild.

“Let me.” Shivering, heart racing so hard she hoped she wouldn’t pass out; she jiggled her butt while still perched over his thighs. His subsequent groan made her try harder. If she could just get the blasted dress off, the protrusion in his pants, promised a grand reward. Jerking upwards, his impatience was obvious as he waited for her to fix the problem.

Not willing to stop, his warm hands began to slowly stroke her legs, her thighs, their warmth seeking the ultimate prize at the junction, wet and throbbing.

Why was he taking so long? Touch me…

Concentration destroyed, she squirmed, rubbing herself against his body to relieve pressure growing, building, pouring out, demanding to be fondled. She heard his husky whisper. “I hate your dress.”

“I’ll burn it tomorrow, I swear. See if you can reach—”

A ringtone sounded from the special phone in her handbag, which was draped over the chair nearby. The jolt was like greased paddles shocking the return of her heart to a normal its rhythm.

She pushed back from the man whose hair she’d just been grasping so she could hold him in place while her lips roamed his throat. Their eyes caught and his wicked mischievousness instantly turned to awareness.

“What is it?”

She glared at him as if placing all the blame for the insistent, demanding ring on his shoulders and then slipped off of her perch. She stumbled to grab the offending phone.

The huskiness in her voice didn’t surprise her. Hell, she was that shocked, she could barely form coherent words at all. “Cassie, you promised!”

“I know, girlfriend. But I really had no choice. It’s Sara. She’s hysterical, scared shitless, and all she whispered before hanging up was to tell you to come and save her. Only you. Fuck me! I have no idea where she is, so I couldn’t send anyone else.”

Shaking as much with worry as well as unfamiliar passion, Alia’s voice cracked. “Well, I don’t know what the hell she meant either… unless it’s the same place I picked her up from last time.”

Envisioning the slimeball who’d been after the young girl then, her anxiety ramped into anger, hot and mean. “Okay, I’m on my way. If she calls back, tell her to meet me outside if she can. If not, I’ll come into the store. That perverted shit-face, Roger, must have found her again.”

She hung up and for seconds she didn’t move.So close…

Tags: Mimi Barbour Thriller