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Chapter Fourteen

Alia led the way to where Don, Nigel and his former boss, Jack Harrison, the assistant director in the criminal investigative division, waited.

“Hey, Booker, it’s nice to see you back here.” Jack held out his hand, a cordial expression of pleasure covering his face.

Sloan accepted the gesture and politely turned aside so that he didn’t block Alia’s way.Score one for the hotshot!No doubt chivalry came easy to a man who, according to his mates, had scads of women falling over themselves to get into his bed.

Soon they entered the conference room and settled around the oval table, tablets in front of each person. They began scanning the data until Jack called them to order. “I’m happy to announce that Agent Booker has agreed to work on this case with us and will be temporarily reinstated. We also have Alia, Agent Hawkins, who’s agreed to pose as his stepsister, recovering from a broken romance. She’ll be moving in with him until—”

“Me and my son.”

Sloan’s head swiveled and he aimed a laser-like stare her way. “You and yourwhat?”

“Sorry, gentlemen. Something has come up with my personal situation. I’ve lost my live-in babysitter, and since I don’t trust anyone else with Kean I’ll have to bring him with me to live at Agent Booker’s.”

Sloan’s voice hardened. “Not gonna happen! I’ll have enough trouble acceptingyourpresence at my place. A bratty kid’s out of the question.” He crossed his arms, his obstinate attitude totally impenetrable. “No bloody way in hell.”

“Fine. Then you’ll have to find another woman to play the part of your live-in.”

Jack interrupted. His voice sounded low and calm. “Let’s just talk about this. Al, what’s going on? Why are you insisting that Kean comes with you? What’s happened with Ruby?”

She’d only discussed her personal situation with one person at the agency. When she’d come for her initial interview, Jack Harrison had made the effort to welcome her to Hawaii. He and his lovely wife, Marla, had taken her out for a scrumptious diner at the Cheesecake Factory, and their warm kindness had lulled her into talking about her personal arrangements.

Not about Paul though, only that she was divorced, but that she had a live-in nanny who she thought the world of, and that she was happy to be self-supporting and established.

Alia linked her fingers in front of her on the table, posture erect; she looked around at each person. Finally she cleared her voice and started, not sure of just how much she needed to share.

“Ruby’s my son’s babysitter and our live-in housekeeper. Her father’s recently become ill and needs her to return to Manila.” Her glance skimmed around the table and she saw everyone’s attention centered on her. Tightening her grip to where the bones in her fingers protested, she went on, “As you all know, I’ve only been here a little over a month and I’ve had no time to become acquainted with facilities where they care for eight-year-olds, or with any other sitters who I’d trust. Therefore, it’s my responsibility to keep my kid with me, and that’s what I intend to do… either at Sloan’s or not. Your decision!”

Sloan slid his fingers through his still uncut hair, shoving it to the back of his head. With his elbows on the table, his head cradled between his hands, he didn’t move. And neither did anyone else. Silence reigned until he finally began venting.

No one interrupted as he mumbled to himself, yet they all heard his words. “Shit! You gotta be kidding me – a stepsister and a kid? I can’t believe I’ve agreed to this. I must be crazy. Those two old bastards have finally driven me around the bend.”

Suddenly, he glared at Don, the one person who was grinning like an idiot and shot his forefinger at him, a gesture that produced a chuckle, and that seemed to piss Sloan off more. He growled a warning at his old partner, “You laugh, you son of a bitch. Guess who’s going to be taking care of this lot while I’m working my normal twelve-hour shifts.”


Everyone around the table knew Sloan’s penchant for overreacting, everyone except the woman glaring his way. They knew it for what it was: a way for him to deal. They also understood that he always made things work and usually in the best manner for everyone.

But he needed his rant time. And if she didn’t like it? Too damn bad. How much more could he take on and not blow. Caring for Les and Roy had pushed his patience to the limits these last few months. How in Christ’s name did they expect him to look after an eight-year-old used to anannyand a female with a burr up her ass so deep, he wondered how the hell she sat down?

He glanced her way and saw her perched at the edge of her seat, hands clenched, her eyes cold and impenetrable.

Next he looked at Don and saw the slight nod his pal didn’t try to hide. He knew it for what it was, his way of saying…I’ll have your back, bro. Then he checked out Jack Harrison and knew that the smart man waited for his decision, with no doubts that he’d kick in and do his duty.

Their gazes met and Jack’s face wore his usual cool expression, composure in every line of his body. Then suddenly, Jack glanced at Alia first and then turned back to Sloan and winked. That spoke more loudly than if he’d demanded Sloan’s instant compliance.

Slapping both hands on the table, Sloan stood and went to the water dispenser to refill his glass. “Fine! Let’s get on with this session, so I can get back to the garage and maybe finish the day’s work before midnight.”

Tags: Mimi Barbour Thriller