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“My responsible best friend who usually picks me up.”

“I can come get you,” I blurt out before I have the chance to think that this is not a good idea. I feel the line blurring, and I find myself in uncharted territory with Landon West. I saw the way he looked at me, and I can’t help but look at him the same way.

Intrigue. Curiosity. Forbidden interest.

Something is happening between us and it’s happening fast. At twenty-one, I’ve never had a boyfriend, and I’ve kissed exactly two boys, neither of which with my tongue and yet I find myself wanting to run mine over every inch of Landon.

Oh my God.

“I don’t want you out at 2 AM by yourself, Serena.” His voice is authoritative and I can almost hear the growl in his tone.

“How else are you going to get home?”

“I’ll figure it out.”

“That’s ridiculous.” I’m off the bed and pulling a sweatshirt over my head and a pair of shorts over my bare legs. I cradle the phone between my ear and my shoulder and grab my keys. “Text me your location. I’m coming to get you.” I hang up the phone without another word. While I’m waiting for his response, I rush into my bathroom and brush my teeth. I pull my hair out of the messy bun and let it fall down my back in waves before swiping some peach lip balm across my lips. Right on cue my phone chirps from the other room.

Unknown Number: Old Town Irish Pub. Do not get out of the car. Text when you’re here.

I frown, wondering why I’m not allowed to get out of the car. Is he embarrassed to be seen with me? I’m sure being picked up by a college student isn’t high on his list of proud moments. My phone pings again.

Unknown Number: I mean it, Serena.

I pull up to the bar and crane my neck towards the entrance to see if I see him. When I don’t, I pull my phone out and dial his number. When he doesn’t respond I text him to let him know I’m here before attempting to call him again. After ten minutes of waiting, I decide to go in against his warning. I certainly don’t want to be waiting out here all night. I push through the doors of the dive bar and I’m immediately hit with the smell of booze, smoke, and a smell I don’t recognize. A round of catcalls ring through the air and I feel everyone’s eyes on me. To say I’m out of my element is the understatement of the century. I find myself wishing I had a can of pepper spray or at least some basic knowledge of self-defense. I swallow as I try to back out of the bar to bolt towards the safety of my car.

The establishment is dim, the wallpaper drab and dingy and in desperate need of repapering. A bar sits in the middle of the room, a pool table is set up in the corner, and a dartboard hangs on the other side. High top tables line the perimeter with bottles of cheap beer and high balls of whiskey glasses littering the surfaces. The poor lighting gives everyone a yellow-ish glow underneath the fog of cigarette smoke.

I didn’t know people could still smoke indoors?

“Hey, baby. You looking for me?” I hear from behind me as I’m still backing up, and shivers run down my spine—but not in the good way. I spin around to find a man in his mid-thirties dressed in a suit, his black hair falling over his forehead and eyes so dark and sinister I panic that I’ve come face to face with Satan himself.

“No…” I stammer. “I…” I start to walk in the opposite direction since he’s blocking the door, trying to get away from the creepy man when I walk right into a wall of muscle.

“What did I fucking tell you?” His voice is low in my ear and when I look up I’m staring at a very angry Landon West. He towers over me, his build engulfing my small frame as he wraps his arms around me and tucks me into his side. “Unless you want me to rip your eyes from your face, I suggest you move it the fuck along,” he says through gritted teeth at Lucifer. His hands are firmly wrapped around me and I take a minute to press my face into his jacket.

Gosh, he smells good.

Clean and manly. Like fresh laundry and whiskey.

The other man chuckles. “Good for you, dude, what did you pluck her out of grade school?”

I groan inwardly, feeling embarrassed that the vast age gap between us has been brought up yet again, and when I look up Landon looks ready to rip his head off. Before I can suggest it’s time for us to go, we’re on the move out of the bar without another glance.

“Car, Serena. Before I go back there and get my ass disbarred.” I point at the silver Audi, an early graduation present from my parents that is sitting a few spaces from the entrance to the bar. He all but pushes me into the car before slamming my door shut and climbing in next to me. “I told you to wait in the car.”

“You weren’t answering. I called and texted you. I waited for like ten minutes,” I say in my defense. I don’t want him to be mad at me, and I definitely don’t want to get him into any trouble.

“You can’t follow simple instructions? Fuck, your father would have my head if he knew you were in a place like that.”

My father would have your head if he saw the way you look at me. The words are on the tip of my tongue but I swallow them down.

“I won’t tell if you won’t,” I tell him and, in this moment, my body has started to recognize the proximity of Landon West to me. My insides start to hum as I survey the enclosed space. He is close enough for me to reach out to touch, to grab, to…I bite my lip and keep my eyes trained forward, not wanting to look at the gorgeous creature to my right.

“You’re trouble, Serena.”

“I think you’re confusing me with the wrong Mitchell sister. I am far from trouble.” I had never been a partier. However, my younger sister, Skyler, is always the life of the party, and she drags me along with her every once in a while—mostly when mom and dad demand she needs a chaperone. She’s outgoing and fun and everyone wants to be around her. I, on the other hand, am the shy, introverted wallflower that would rather spend her Saturday nights inside, reading a book or cooking with Mama.

“No…” He shakes his head and scrubs a hand over his jaw and the sounds of his fingers over his scruff pierce the silence. “You’re trouble…for me.”

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance