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Iignore the looks of half the people in the office. Correction, half of the women in the office who are more than likely seething that I’m not taking them to lunch—or having them for lunch.

But part of the reason I’m able to ignore them is because I’m transfixed by the woman walking a few steps in front of me. The way she swings her hips, the way her hair flows behind her, the way her slacks hug her perfectly round ass. Fuck. I turn my eyes away from her ass, not because I don’t want to look at it, but I don’t need the entirety of the office to see me ogling my partner’s daughter.

I don’t need to be ogling my partner’s daughter period.

I shoot a look at the people whose wandering eyes need to be back on their own business and not worried about what the fuck I’m doing. They shift, nervous under my hardened gaze, as we approach the elevator. Serena, who seems to also have noticed the attention we’ve attracted begins to fidget as we wait for the elevator. I watch as she nervously tries to avoid my eyes as I bore a hole into the side of her head. “Don’t worry about them,” I tell her.

Her eyes flash to mine in shock as we move into the elevator. “Everyone was staring,” she says as the elevator doors close and we begin to descend to the lobby. Her body visibly relaxes, no longer under scrutiny of the entire tenth floor.

“That tends to happen when I walk into a room.” It’s the truth. My reputation, virility, and power precede me and people either drop to their knees in fear or in lust when they see me coming. One way or the other, I cause some sort of a physiological reaction in most people. I take a moment to study her beautiful features and try to ignore the stirring in my pants when she tucks a hair behind her ear and pushes her glasses further up her nose.

Fuck. Since when did that become a turn-on?

“That must get old.” Her words feel like a bucket of ice water on my libido and successfully calms my erection. It doesn’t get old. I feed on that power. “What do you mean?” I don’t mean for it to sound accusatory, but the way she blinks up at me and shakes her head, I can already see her backpedaling.

Fuck that.

The doors open and I block the exit, pinning her to her spot with my gaze and I notice her gulp in response. “I just must be hard to tell when someone likes you…for you, and not just because you’re this untouchable. People treat you like you’re a God and Gods are not meant to walk amongst mortals.” She ducks under my arm and walks towards the exit, her heels clicking against the marble tile with every step towards the door. I jog after her, once I’ve successfully closed my mouth and allowed my brain to register everything she just said.

Most importantly, her referring to me as a God.

“And just what makes you so knowledgeable on how people see me in the office?”

“I’ve got eyes.” She shrugs. “And ears.”

“What did I tell you about not believing everything you hear?” I huff, knowing that Olivia has already been filling her head with thoughts about me. Preston is going to have to get rid of this one, and I am never going to hear the end of it. It irritates me for a reason I can’t quite pinpoint why it bothers me that Serena is listening to whatever gossip is floating around our office. I’m no stranger to the rumors. You can’t sleep with half the paralegals at the firm without someone opening their mouth. I didn’t care.

But, for some reason, I do now.

The wind whips around us, and she pulls her jacket tighter around her. It’s September, which means the temperatures are dropping by the day in preparation for fall, and this is one of those cooler Indian summer days. “Let’s grab a bite. I’m hungry, and I’m interested to know more about you.”

Ten minutes into lunch and I feel like my dick is seconds from breaking through the zipper of my pants. I’ve barely touched my sandwich as I’ve been too focused on her mouth and the way it wraps around her fork every time she takes a bite of her salad. The way her pink lips suck on that straw in such a way I can’t help but picture her lips wrapped around my dick. It takes everything in me not to reach forward and pluck the straw from her lips and warn her to cut that shit out. She eyes me curiously, but a part of me wonders if she’s feigning innocence because I see a hint of playfulness in her eyes. I take a sip of the ice water in front of me wishing I could submerge my dick in it before clearing my throat.

I’ve got to get my shit under control. This is Preston’s daughter. His twenty-one year old daughter.

And you’re forty-three, not dead, my other head, the one a few feet south, replies.

Preston is a few years older than me, but not enough that he wouldn’t do bodily harm to me for looking at his eldest daughter in a way I definitely shouldn’t be.

“So, how’s…school?” School. College. She hasn’t even gone to law school yet. She hasn’t taken the Bar. I might like a young wild girl whose limits I could test, but Serena is too young. Too innocent. Too naive.

“Good.” She clears her throat and nods. “I’m graduating next semester.” She beams with pride. “I only have five credits left to take.”

“Five? Wow, you’re really ahead of schedule…” It’s been a while since I was in undergrad, but I could have sworn you took somewhere around fifteen per semester.

“I worked through summers and took classes during the winter session. I could have graduated this semester, but I wanted this internship. It’s going to look great on my resume.”

“It really will. You’ll be able to get into any law school in the country with a recommendation from our firm and of course, with your last name.”

She furrows her brows. “You don’t think I could get in without my father’s help?”

Fuck. Not what I meant. I mean…it is what I meant. To be frank, the smartest, sharpest lawyers in the world still need help getting their foot in the door. In this game, it’s all about who you know and sometimes who you’ve screwed. “That’s not what I—”

“Because I absolutely can.”

“I don’t doubt that, Serena. Knowing the right people helps, though.”

“And you’re one of those right people?”

Tags: Q.B. Tyler Campus Tales Romance